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Im sure evryone has been confused at least once by a girl or boy they like riiight?


well the thing is i like this guy a lot and hes in one of my classes Its just that im having a hard time reading him. He put his number in the phone , but never told me to call him. Last semester we flirted a lot more then this semester.


I feel like i have to be the one who makes the move...


The problem is I really don't know how....He hasn't really been talking to me as much as last semester and it's not like hes purposely being distant is it??


Well I would appriciate some good response pleaseeee help me...Hes driving me crrazy...

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just go up to him and start the flirting back up. Yea, I know it's easier said than done, but you can't just try and sit behind him in one class and hope it all goes down like a fairy-tale!


Any of the girls i flirt with usually have a way we flirt, or a standing joke. Like one girl i kinda like always says my full name, and then i say hers. I know it sounds stupid, but it's funny, and a good way to start a conversation. I'd bet you guys used have some way of flirting you used to do. Just start it back up, start a conversatoin about a teacher you hate, or the homework from the class your in together


Good luck, don't be shy.

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Thanks Yalll!!


The thing is i might mess up and i want to make the convo have the right feel ya know?


There was one thing we use to do a lot...But Why do i have to bring it up when he is the one who started it? And PLUSS hes the guy isn't he supose to make the first move and flirt with me first...


I wonder if he just isn't for me...What do yall do to get rid of your nervousness...?

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