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Ok so I finally picked up the courage to ring...


but it was kinda awkward because I was soo nervous-anyway after about 2 mins of small talk I jus went for it and asked her if she wanted to meet up sometime later in the week, but she said she couldnt cause she had uni exams...after that i had some kind of brain freeze and couldnt think of anything else to say after a couple seconds of silence, so I jus kinda went "well ill leave you to it..., cya".


So now im no further on...


should i text her and apologise for being so awkward, or jus leave it a few days, say it was nice talking to her, wish her well in her exams, and ask her to contact me so ill know if shes still interested then?




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I think you should just text her, say sorry things were a bit awkward, that you wish her luck in her exams and if she wants to go go get some icecream after they're finished to celebrate them being over.


Replace getting icecream with like, any fun activity of your choice, lol ;D (Though I personally wouldn't say no to icecream XDDDD.)

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Honestly, I see nothing to apologize for. You called, talked a few minutes, asked her out, she declined, and you ended the conversation. Nothing extraordinary there.


If you like, text her to wish her luck and let her know the invitation's open for a time when she isn't so busy. Otherwise, however, I'd let it go.

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I sent her a message last week sayin that it was nice talkin to her, wished her all the best with her uni exams, and then said the offer was still open..


I thought that was that, but then she sent a message inviting me to a party on fri nite!


Thanks guys!


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