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I want to get to know her

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Ok well there is this girl at my Middle School who is in 7th grade. I'm in 8th grade and I barely see her at all. The only time i see her is like sometimes in the hallways. I dont know her at all, and haven't even talked to her yet. I want to get to know her and talk to her. Are there any tips on how i could meet/start up a conversation with her? Like normal ways that would not seem weird. My friend said to talk to her in the hallways, but wouln't it seem a bit weird if someone you didn't even know just walk up to you and talk to you? I need some good ideas and I hope some people will reply to this and give me some.


-thanks so much

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My friend said to talk to her in the hallways, but wouln't it seem a bit weird if someone you didn't even know just walk up to you and talk to you?


Your friend is right. You should go up to her and just meet her. Some important tips:


1. Smile, greet her, and introduce yourself.

2. Be yourself when you talk to her.

3. Find out what her interests are. See if you two share some things in common and go from there.

4. Do not talk about yourself the whole time.

5. After having a few short conversations with her, find out if you can have lunch with her or do something afterschool.


Your best bet is to try and make friends with her first for a while and see where it goes from there. Remember, you don't even know her that well yet so don't jump into anything just yet.


Good luck.

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i remember middle school lol. and the fact that you're in grade 8 and would hang with a 7th grader, for her it would probably be a dream come true. lol in high shcool that all changes, but right now i wouldnt worry too much about your strategy...if you just see her in the hall a quick way would to say um...sorry but what grade are you in? she'll say 7th, you could say oohh really...i thought you were in 8th but then i was like how come i dont know you or something, easy way to start a convo going. you could also just ask her to the next dance or something...but i think the a bove would be the best way.

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there is a girl in seventh grade that i have a monster crush on. i am in 8th grade and have absolutely nothing toi do with her. so i thought about what i could do. u r completely right- i wouldnt wanna just walk up to a random girl and start nto flirt with her out in the open. but i was so determinated to get to know her that i dedided: i no one of her friends. i was going to ask for her firends screenname. then, in private, i would ask her friend for the girls sn. if the friend asked y i needed the sn, i dont no what id do. i might trell, but it depends. but if i had to tell in order to get the screenname, then i would. now. hopefully the girlhas a screenname- if not i dont no what to do. if she does, then i will be very happy. from there i will just say whenevr i m reday: hello...

ther rest qwould just fall into place

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