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compulsive liar friend

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this friend has lied to me on a number of occasions...the last big lie was ridiculous and i found out. i haven't confronted on him yet and i don't want to confront him anymore. it doesn't do any good. i am not in a situation where i can completely cut this person out of my life since he is a work colleague, but i don't want to see him socially. he keeps calling to go out and i don't know what to do. i can only make so many excuses before it becomes apparent that i don't want to be around him...which will only put a strain on the work....what to do....

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Dont worry my best friend is a compulsive lier and i have to go throuhgh the exact same nonsense.I've learned to just cope with it and ignore that non sense.Because all they ever do is take a lot of offense to it when u get them at something.I know it sucks but ive tried to confront him a couple of times and he got mad.So i just let him get away with it now.But maybe i should keep confronting him but iono.Im just as lost as you are

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