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I really liked this guy maybe even love a little but he wasn't giving me what I needed, he didn't show any affection towards me or even tell me he liked me. I told him it was over and went NC, he text for two days constantly and I ignored everyone of them. Then nothing for two days I found myself missing him. I text he replied but not with what I wanted to hear, saying thank you for giving us a chance and that he had really liked me but I should of given him more time. He ended the conversation. Looking back I feel like such an idiot, he was texting me constantly throughout the day, phoning me, asking me to go places with him even on holiday. I didn't realise the effort he was making and I threw it back in his face. I feel sick. I miss him and keep seeing his face. Don't know what to do. He ended the conversation that he had hardly any texts left and thank you for a bit of a chance I said thank you for everything and that's it. How can I feel this way and he not care at all. I'm unsure what to do.

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So he treated you like crap & only told you how he felt when you dumped him? Is that really what you want in a bf?


I think you should block his number & go & find a nice guy who tells you that he likes you & wants to be affectionate with you. You deserve a lot more than your ex was offering.

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