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Not sure what to make of all this


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So I started talking to this girl several months ago and I thought we hit it off well. We talked and hung out for a while before life stuff got in the way. We didn't talk much or anything up until about a month or so ago then things finally opened up. I thought we picked up where we left off but I guess I came back in too fast and strong. We talked, shared some personal stuff, and even watched a movie on Netflix while voice chatting over Skype. Afterwards I guess I was expecting too much, too soon, and we started fighting like an old married couple over little things. She has trust issues and mostly prefers doing her own thing I guess. We talked things out and made plans to watch another movie. Things were going well for a while then the little arguments started again. Fast forward to now and we've pretty much stopped talking. She said her idea of friendship doesn't start out arguing over little things before we've really got to know each other. She has a lot of stress going on in her life and I didn't seem to help it. She said she isn't sure what happened here and neither am I. She said she isn't sure what to do besides not being too close of friends and that she's never been in a situation like this before and she doesn't have anyone to talk to about this sort of thing since it's a little "nuts". She also said she guesses we can just be the type of friends that say hi here and there, ask how each other are doing, so we have no expectations/disappointments. The way things had gotten made her not want to get to know each other further and that she couldn't invest herself in something that started off "badly". She said it's better for both of us to just be the type of friends that say hi here and there, ask how each other are doing, and leave it at that. She added that she wishes me all the happiness in the world and she's sure I'll make other friends without all the difficulties we had.


It has left me completely confused. Even though I wanted to continue being good friends it seems there's no hope for that now. Is it silly to think maybe we can fix things when her life calms down a bit? She's starting a new job soon and I imagine that had a little to do with it. I really enjoyed talking to her and hanging out with her. She had said the same thing before. It just seems like it didn't get much of a shot because of little arguments and other stuff. I told her I was alright with talking like that for now. Deep down I hope we can eventually fix things when things calm down but is it a lost cause?

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