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I know this is a dumb question, but I'd appreciate any help you can give a bro over here. My girlfriend and I spent an amazing new years... We dont use protection though and i thought abut precum a little too late. You folks think she might get preggers?



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Well I would find out if she was ovulating at that time. Typically if you use the withdrawl method it is 81% effective according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. There is a 19% chance that she could be pregnant. It is possible that she is pregnant but the odds are in your favor in this case. Next time if you want to avoid this then I would advise you to get the Morning After Pill because it is effective within 72 hours of unprotected sex.

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A morning after pill is a pill that your girl can get a presecription for from her gyno, it needs to be picked up at either a pharmacy or a planned parenthood type clinic.


It is basically a large dose of the hormone used in a birth control pill which helps prevent a fertilized egg from implanting on the uterine wall, should there be a fertilized egg. It needs to be taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse to be effective.


Unfortunately, some states now are passing legislation that allows individual pharmacies to decide whether or not, ethically, they want to fill the prescription written by her doc. Basically in certain states if she goes to CVS and the pharmacist feels it's unethical for her to have the pill, he has the right to turn her away and deny her a prescription.


Seems fair, huh?

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I'll have to talk to my gf about it to see if shes willing to take this next time.


Call me crazy, but I'm wondering why you are planning for "next time". If you want to prevent pregnancy, why not be responsible enough to use contraception?


The morning after pill is generally a last resort that people think of AFTER the fact (like this time). It might take care of pregnancy, but it does NOTHING to prevent STDs.


You need to take action BEFORE you have sex unless you'd like to end up with a life-long reminder of your encounters.


As for her being "sensitive" about it, so what? I'm not saying go beat her over the head with a pregnancy test; but, avoiding the possibility won't stop her from being pregnant. She *needs* the test. If she hasn't thought of that possibility (which I'm *sure* she has), then you need to take it upon yourself to help her think of it.

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