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Alittle off topic/no need to reply, just a update

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My Dad finnaly told my mom about the devorce last night. My heart is alittle less heavy now I dont have to keep that under anymore. Things suck for the time being, but soon I think they will both be happy. It just sucks tho, After the hurricane I had to move in with them for a cupple of months,Thats when my dad told me about everything. I move into my new place on the 20th of this month I cant wait.Moms taking it all out on my dad, brother and I, which I understand.

It's just hard to hear you mom say some of the things she's say'n. But all should be well soon. As for me, I know I'll never let something like this happen to me. (Now that I said that watch it happen ) No, When and if I find that "one" person, I know we'll work through anything. Everything does happen for a reason, it sometimes just takes time to see it. Sorry for the flip of topic. My plans to tell my ex my thoughts are still. And no matter what her answer is, everything will be ok. Trust me. Good luck to ya, Deja

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Thanks, you had a lot to do with that. This site has helped in ways you wont believe. I just hope I can apply what I've learned for my ex if it's not too late. And if it is, then who evers next will see what I've been trying to do. It's all in how you look at things. Theres a time where they are all that matters to your happiness. (ex's) But then almost over night the world opens up and you see just how many more options are out there. Oh and I've cut back on drinking, maybe for like birthdays or special times, but I still smoke from time to time, I've cut that back as well. Not ciggs are out the window. But MJ helps me view the world in a different light making the music come to me. It's easyer to fix the problems when I'm not messed up all the time. someone on this site brought that to my attention. I blew it off at first but they we're right. I still party from time to time but we all have been taking it easy. (friends and I) New years thing. I'm the only single one left in the group now so on with the show. We'll see what will be. Deja

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