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Soon my heart will know calm...(changed/updated)

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Well this week she's coming to pick up her friends stuff. When she called last week I put my foot out and said I'd like to be there when she when she does that, and that I'd like to see her. (a major change from past comunications) To my surprise she sounded happy. (Dosn't mean anything). When we meet, I'm going to tell her I'd like to start over, the way she wanted to. Even if she flips things on me and says no way, My heart will still rest after all is said and done. I'd like for us to have that seccond chance, but even more I'd just like an answer so my world can move again. I've grown and it's now clear to see. No matter what happens My heart will know calm again. And for sure who ever is next will know what I ment all this time. I've learned that it's not fair to judge sone one's actions based on anothers. We are all different people. Dont jump to know what someones up to just because you've seen "this" before. I also wanted to say thank you to every one whos helped me through these broken days of wonder, and helped me to see it's not what we can do to "get them back" It's what not to do again to them again or whos ever next. It's how to become you again through all the confusion, because if you get lost, the plague of qustions will take you and keep you from happiness. Rise above all that is and see where you stand. Do you agree with what you see? If not than true self change is needed. I hope that made sense.

Thank you all again. And I'll let you know what the out come is. But No matter what it may be, I can see now. I'd love to hear what you all think of the story as of now, and I hope you all have a good new year. Deja

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I just thought of something... I was reading about the "New years kiss thing". Her best friend the one she moved in with is dating her exboyfriend again, but the catch is her ex boyfriend is best friends with my ex's ex boyfriend so now they see a lot more of each other. Tho she hated him, even before we got together. I used to work with her and she'd always pick on him and say how retarded he was, but time changes people. I'm thinking theres a chance they may start things again or they may not but the point is Should I still ask her this now? I dont want to come between her and her happiness, or look like a fool. What should I do?

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I wish you the best possible outcome when you tell your ex how you feel.


I'm trying to work things out with my ex too and I strongly believe that no matter what the outcome is for us, in order for me to be at peace I need to tell him how I fell and let him know that, and do with it what he will.


I never want to have to say, "If only I had told him how I really felt, If only I had said.... if only I had done......."


This way no matter what happens I will have given it my all and I can live in peace with that.


I think you have found peace, finally, too.

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