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Hanged out with Ex girlfriend and i gave her Oral Sex...

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ok i hanged out with my ex girlfriend who we are friends to each other, when we were hanging out talking to each other, it lead to us making out a lot where it got physical where she was bitting on my ear and kissing my neck where it lead on me giving her Oral sex.


as i was giving her oral sex, she liked every minute of it by pulling my hair tight with her fingers and moaning loud where i made her cum more then once and her legs where shaking as well. when i was done doing that to her, she told me not to tell anyone on what we did. i want to know if what we did is consider to be FWB? and i want to know why she wants me to keep it on the DL? knowing we haven't talked since we got together.

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Also, I just read your other posts.


I seriously don't see why you think being friends with this girl is smart? She is a user! She FEEDS off attention she gets from you and she has a boyfriend!


The fact that you did what you did and she allowed it to happen show what kind of person she is... think about the relationship you two had -- bet you any money there were other guys other than you giving her oral during your relationship since she clearly has no issue being unfaithful.



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