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Does living life with a Consequential Logic matter?


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Yes! What I call Consequential Logic is simply moving forward in your daily life with forethought. It seemingly interesting that the far majority of people out there do not take the time (I mean mere seconds and @ most minutes) to just think out what the logical consequences would be if I were to do this or that...


This is so underrated that it's not even funny. It could be if I switch this lane at this time, I will undoubtedly cut this guy off and more than likely, cause him an accident. Ex. 2 If I have sex with this girl, being committed in another relationship, the consequences could be that it leakes back to my partner and utterly jeapordize it's existence. Ex. 3 If I don't hold myself accountable for my everyday actions, then the consequences would be that you could be looked upon as an unscrupulous person in all of your circles.


If people just took the time to live life w/consequential logic instead of being so self consumed, this world definitely would be a better place.

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Yes, more people should think of the logical conclusions of there actions before they do something. It would save people a lot of hassle. It's not like it takes that much brainpower to think things out. Really, its common sense, not rocket science.


There is a reason we have both logic and emotions. Either by itself is useless. Does anyone watch Star Trek? Vulcans are superior in the use of logic but they are far from perfect as they suppress emotions and don't understand that are feelings are what drives us at times. Likewise, too much emotion can drain out the logic and lead us to rash, unwise actions. The key is to find a balance, using emotions and logic together for noble goals.

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