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i suck at making friends

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i'm not a weird creepy person, but i am more of a quiet/shy girl. i'm atleast semi attractive, but not flawless. i don't have alot to say to people. i don't really have alot of friends, i don't really want alot, but when someone catches my eye, and i think they would be nice to talk to, i suck at it.

i don't want them to fall in love with me or get obsessed with me, i just want to have a normal conversation, but they never seem to have the same interest in me as i do them.

i don't know what my problem is.

there is a guy that i want to talk to, but he seems to ignore me because he doesn't know i exsist. (no i don't WANT him--i'm in a two year relationship with a great guy). i don't know what to do or what to say to make him notice that i am in fact alive. i know that we share a few of the same interests and i'll try to mention them, but i get blown off so easily.

and its not just this one guy, its all kinds of people--he is just an example.

when i find someone interesting--the seem to have no clue that i exsist

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let me first say sorry. this is for not really having a solution to your problem. this post is just to let you know that i am the same..i have the same problem. i am not a crap or weird person either but i rarely find people like me or make friends very easily. you are not alone. i will be following this post so that i can pick up any interesting info that might help me too. good luck


kishimoto xxx

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I'm not sure how well this would work with you, but it help's me out A LOT!


I'm a very shy person too. When I am feeling shy, but there's someone I want to talk to, I think about a time when I wasn't shy. I think of a time when I was relaxed, comfortable, and happy. Like there was one time when a friend of mine and I were making a plan to 'take over the world'. It was incredibly fun and weird, just like us! Well, when I'm feeling shy I like to just think about that moment, when nothing else mattered because I was having a great time with my friend, and I let it sink. I smile and a happy feeling runs through me and I suddenly don't feel shy anymore.


Maybe this would work with you?

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sorry for being a tiny bit ignorant, i havent read all replies, but i think makin friends is easy to an extent. I think its all about bonds, me and you have a bond, no matter how big or small it is, its still a bond, im replying to you, so we are someone connected into a bond, only if its small.


You have bonds with strangers you meet regulary, you just need to make that bond strong, the way i meet new ppl and friends, MAY be considered pretty selfish but, it just gives me more confidence and im comfortable around the whole situation, here goes.


This is how i do it, I HUNGER for knowledge, readin books is fine and stuff like that, but lets be lazy, we want to learn by talking. I meet ppl with the excitment of what i might learn, this excitement gives me confidence and such, and tbh i find it the most EASIEST way to talk to anyone.


You see this dude, say hes reading something or doing something, you just ask stuff, like wow thats interesting tell me more about it, the more u feel you need information and learning for the person the more the real task at hand disapears, its strange, I go out most weekends with a small group of pals. its funny, cause after like 2 hrs in the pub, they come lookin for me, and im just by the bar talkin to a stranger, he or she might have an interesting job. say hes a race car driver at say florida, wow i learnt something. and then i talk to another, and they say hmm im going on holiday to florida.

and hey presto you say yea i hear they race cars there, thats why the way i meet ppl is so easy, i talk to ppl in the loo, make friends at the bar, for the only reason that i lure for information and learn something new to pass onto another conversation. I dont need f riends, I need information


Feel free to message me, sorry if i blabbered away, i just really love to help if and when if i can



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