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Hey everyone, first of all let jst say happy new year to everyone and i hope everybody has had a good one.


Now to the problem, well basically my ex and i have been broken up for a month now over some stupid reasons and her telling me she doesnt love me anymore which now has sunk in and hurts but now im feeling slightly better although i get stressed at things, for example we are now talking as friends but when she called me to say 'lets just be friends for now' i acted really laid back and not bothered and this got 2 her but i dont know the details of how she reacted i just think she was shocked from what her friend tells me. Also when i talk to her on the phone she finds it 'weird' as she just expects me to say 'Oh i wnat you back so much' blah blah blah.


Well im not doing this i just act laid back and actually have a good laugh with her on the phone but the thing is she doesnt make any effort to be my friend its as if she wants me to do the chasing but then wen i call her she tells her friends that im crowding her slightly and then when i dont call she is like 'hmmm he hasnt called me i wonder wassup?' (this im not 100% sure that shes thinking but maybe she is)


Another thing is that when we first broke up she told 1 of my friends that she was with some next guy when she wasnt but she told him as she knew he would tell me and then on the phone shes saying 'ooohh we talked for 2 hours the other night' blah blah blah but then her cousin told me that she doesnt chat to this guy on the phone at all and she had to mention the network the guy was on (which is the same as mine, coincidence? i dont think so lol)


Theres lots of things like this going on and i dont know what to do, i love her loads more then words can express and i really wanna get back with her but shes just so up herself at the moment and its like shes trying to make me jealous or see my reactions or even make me hate her and im just so confused its like why are you telling me you dont like me yet you are getting bothered about things and saying things that you know are gonna get to me (although i never show this)


Also she went out the other night, got home and i called her and she had been drinking and was quite tipsy but on the phone she kept telling me what she was wearing n i told her to stop it and she carried on and then she was saying 'i no how u feel i honestly do dont think i dont' in a real nice n soft manner like she used to talk to me when she 'loved me'.


Well basically now ive decided im just not gonna bother n see if she prefers life without me n also see if she gets in contact with me and if she does what does this mean?


Im confused please help me, there are other things she does also but these are the main ones i suppose lol so any info you have for me fill me in please ladies and gents



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It sounds like you are doing great. Don't give her what she wants because she'll abuse it and just go away. I think you saying that being friends is what's driving her crazy or she thinks its a game. Don't participate in the game and stand your ground. Sometimes you have to teach others how to grow up whether they like it or not

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so what do i do, what do you mean by not give her what she wants just do everything opposite? this is really confusing me and thats rare for me lol. Also if i stand my ground she gets pissed off so thats why i just ignore it, she thinks im childish if i stand my ground. Really i wanna know if these are signs that she may wants me back and whether i should go ahead with my plan of no contact because on 1 hand it may help but on the other she may think 'omg he said he loves me but he hasnt even bothered' i dunno which 1 to think

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Mind games.... Simply put, she underestimated your willpower. Continue to stand for yourself (common sense) and don't give in. In this day and age where men and women are supposed to be equal... women still expect the guy to do all the chasing. Get real. It's 2005. Your doing everything right... don't make it too easy for her to get back with her. She'll lose respect for you. If u want to turn up the heat I suggest you let her go. Better yet start dating another girl. Be the better man. She dropped you like a fly and now she's trying to make you jealous. She's mad because her tactics have no affect on you. I guarantee she'll be the one chasing you in the end.

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