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Had enough, too much to take..

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The thing that kept me alive was hope. When you think you can't go on anymore give it a couple of years. Not being alive sucks. I'm still not happy, im just killing time. And it's slow time too, you basically just go through the motions. But even remembering back at those times, screaming out to god, I know I didn't do it because hope kept me alive. And you have it in you too, you'll probably say it's gone. But I couldn't see it either at the time. But it was there. Trust me, when your out of the dark waters, you'll wonder why it was so hard to cross....


Did you mark how naturally--as if he'd been born for it--the Earth-born vermin entered the new life? How all his doubts became, in the twinkling of an eye, ridiculous? I know what the creature was saying to itself! 'Yes. Of course. It always was like this. All horrors have followed the same course, getting worse and worse and forcing you into a kind of bottleneck till, at the very moment when you thought you must be crushed, behold! you were out of the narrows and all was suddenly well. The extraction hurt more and more and then the tooth was out. The dream became a nightmare and then you woke. You die and die and then you are beyond death. How could I ever have doubted it?'

The Screwtape Letters


don't do it man...

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your 19 years old. do you really believe that there is nothing for you? is there nothing your passionate for? do u love nothing? are you that dead already? i doubt it. i think deep down you don't want to kill yourself. otherwise why would you come onto this forum after help? you dont wana do it so dont its that simple.

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I know it's a game, but it's a game i'm tired of playing.


I was diagnosed with depression when i was about 14 and found counciling and medication (seroxat 50mg) didn't help atall, so I stopped it and started smoking weed to ease the pain.


It was an escape (which I no longer use). I am looking for a more permanent fix.


don't know what has happened to me. I've realised that I'm a complete loser. I don't have any friends at all, I'm still a virgin at 19 years of age.


I can't get out of bed in the morning- there's nothing to get up for. I'm finding this really hard to admit, as I feel embarrassed about it all.


I don't know what to do. No one likes me. People think I'm a complete freak. It's as if I don't have to say; people find me boring. I just feel as if I'm a complete waste of space and am thinking of comitting suicide.

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youve put this all on ur self. you tried one type of medication? ive tryd 3 and im still tryin. did u start smokin weed whilst on meds? you can still go to a doctor and try again. if you sick of playing the game try a new game or an expansion pack. it is quite common to still b a virgin at your age.

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Before you decide to kill yerself, try this:


Get in a car and drive to Hollywood. Or New York City. Or someplace you've seen in the movies but never been to. Don't worry about money. Take what you have.


You will find yourself with a new outlook and perhaps a few adventures. If you're going to kill yourself anyway, what do you have to lose?


Leave tonight.

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There's bound to be something going on in town tonight for you. I'm going to a club with some friends in about an hour or so. You could always go watch the show downtown if you live by a city. That's always fun.


Here's a little something I wrote up a few days back. This applies to everyone, not just the main poster:


You are your own worst enemy

The reason your soul turns ill

Is because you choose to go downhill

Sometimes the only one to blame is you

And the only who can reverse this

Is you

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Dude listen to me.


Once you decide you want to kill yourself you do one of two things.


You either kill yourself, or you decide to live.


If you decide to live and understand why you made that choice you will be a very happy person.


Dont kill yourself and find your reason as to why you decided to live.


For me i dont kill myself because its life. Life is life. It isnt anything else. Life isnt fair or unfair, good or bad, happy or sad. I was fasinated about learning about life - thing i didnt know about love was someting i learned about. It was awesome. Learn love man and youll never want to die.

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ok, if youv'e really taken all these pills, it is still not too late. call 112 / 999 or 08457 90 90 90..it's confidential, and they'll help you..it's really not too late. or visit link removed

you can still live. get some help now or msg one of us or something. call the police or talk to SOMEONE. call a hospital! you can get through this, its not too late. also, please check out these links. there is help out there, and you can get it. i promise, keep trying, don't give up. don't lose this game, because i know that you can win!


please, don't do this. you are far too young to end it now. do you realize the people you haven't met and the experiences you haven't experienced yet? you're not a loser! you're only a loser if you believe it, and i don't believe it. none of us here do. we call care about you and want to help you. i'm 19 as well and am still a virgin. i'm not very outgoing and i don't have many friends either. but i don't believe that life is over. you just have to stay strong, please. i think you're a wondeful person and i would do anything to help you right now. this is your life, no one else's, so live it! don't be so hard on yourself, you're only 19. there is no way to know that you will forever be alone. you'll never really know what you'd be missing if you kill yourself. i have felt like this before too and i'm really glad i didn't do it. things can change if your outlook changes too. Keep moving forward, you can do it. Don't convince yourself that you're going to be right where you are for the rest of your life, unhappy, because that doesn't have to be true! It's up to you. You've got to go out there and get your feet wet. You sound like a very intelligent person. You can't assume the worst, you must change your attitude if you can. just go out there, give things your best, and that's all you can do for now. if things don't work out perfectly at first, your life is certainly not over. keep trying. suicide is just so permanent. you are going to go far in life, just stay strong. you can do it and we're all here for you. you're young, you've not lived enough of this life to make a conclusion so strong as suicide. you've got to realize that you've got a bright future ahead of you, if you just believe it! it may be hard at first, but you can do this. you can beat suicide. i did, and so have others. you've got so much to offer this life and it's got so much to offer you. suicide is so permanent. stick around and go out there and live..otherwise, you'll never really know what could happen for you. please stay strong and PLEASE visit this site


or call 1-800-SUICIDE..its confidential


msg me if you ever want to.. take care

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id really love to hear from you. i was reading this post and wondering where your parents are...im 22 and i still live at home. if you live on your own than you must have a job, so where do you work? i know you think that nobody cares about you, but there are. whether you know it or not.


i know it hurts, but it gets better. the years you are going through are really hard, i know. in fact, they can down right suck. but you are so young and THERE IS so much to live for. there are other people on this forum that have gone through exactly what you are going through and they have overcome it. listen to them. we are only here to help you. life is already so short as it is, dont miss out on all it has to offer.

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