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theres a girl

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Get to know her. DONT STALK HER. Just figure out if you have a chance with her, NOT by asking around. Just figure it out yourself. Find out if she does some sports. Go to the sporting events if she does. Compliment her on doing good in her sport. Try to make some convo, compliment her. Find out what music she likes, and again by not asking her friends or going into her room. Just figure it out. Talk about music. Make some jokes if needed, apropriate jokes.




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You don't have to make it overly obvious, but you should let her know that you like her. Just, give her a compliment every once in a while, talk to her a lot, try to get her to hang out with you, and as usual be YOUrself.


If you have a good personality, then all you have to do is show her (who you are)

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Are you in school? Offer to carry her books. Dont change your personallity or be something your not. If she doesnt like you for who you are then why want to be with someone like that. Make sure shes what you want before you get in too tight and find out shes not the person you want to be with. Cause if theres anything worse than getting turned down...its getting dumped.

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