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i just can't talk to her at skool

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Also i am like really shy towards her. she has like 6 other friends that hang out wit her, i am friends wit like all of them. I will talk to her on msn or the phone but i am too shy to talk to her in person. also, as i already said she has like 6 people that hang with her, i also have like 6 people that hang wit me(i am pretty popular) she doesn't really like the people that i hang out with but the people that hang around her i don't really like. i think i should not be shy and go talk to her but somethin is stoppin me. i think it might be that my friend don't want me to. i won't talk to her at school wit her friend but we have gone on a sorta date we went to this like play thing( its a skool play and we both had to go so we said we would sit together) i sat with her and talked to her and all but i just couldn't look her straight in the eye. i think she is too good for me or something. we talked during the whole performance but i never once looked at her face. this is driving me crazy and i don't know what to do!! i am the kinda person that is shy to be wit a g/f in front of people. we went to a dance at a rec. center but i never dances with her or anyone. i am just to shy in front of people. i think maybe its because i dun want any one thinking i suck at dancing or somethin. i am the kinda person who likes to be asked out not me asken( like i would only go hang out wit her if she called me over. she did that once and i hung out wit her at recess) but i just don't know what to do. plzz help me!!!

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Thanx for posting. I think being shy has its strength and weakness. It seems you're good at communicating, afterall, you chatted with her and a number of her friends frequently and you seem to have no trouble at all. The trouble with online chatting is, most shy people feel safe when typing to his/her dream mate in front of a computer, because less chance for rejection. But we're not living in a world of Matrix, we need human interaction.


There's couple exercise can help you overcome shyness. You can practice it at the comfort of your own home before trying it out in public. You can talk to yourself in front of the mirror, converse with at least 1 stranger every day, i.e. bus stop, supermarket, just a simple "hi" would suffice.


She obviously doesn't hate you, so that's a good start. Next time you see her, just give her a smile, and you don't have to talk or anything. Then the next time, smile and say "hi". I think you get the gist, just do it in moderation, until you're comfortable talking to her. You obviously has lots of topics to talk to her, since you chat with her all the time. So work on your shyness, and good luck! pm me if you have more questions.

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