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Is it wrong to date someone even though you know it wont workout in the long run


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So I have been faced with this challenge several times in my dating career.


I'm 18, live with mom still (that's not an issue, except her attitude maybe)


So whenever I date someone, my mother always gets involved. Even when I don't tell her anything, she almost always figures it out.

She then starts putting heavy restrictions on me, preventing me from seeing her.


Cant use the car, Have to go do this, have to go do that. I can only go to the movies with her, if my brothers go.

She uses excuses but after a while they get old.



Every single time she does that, the relationship always ends the same exact way.


My mom would try to drive the two of us apart, so we would get closer.

Mom would put more restrictions on, and I cant see the girl at all anymore.

Girl gets really upset, and I don't see a fix to the problem, so I break up with her just to stop the BS with my mom and to make the girl with whom ive developed feelings for not get hurt from not being able to see me.




then my mom would use this line... "It will be ok, You wern't going to marry her anyway"




But my question is, is that bad? To date someone, even if you dont see yourself with them in the long run... Just to date them for a few months?

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She probably doesn't want you to get too serious with anyone at 18, because that can lead to too early pregnancies and focusing on girls rather than getting a good education and career going.


So I think that if you want your independence, then you have to bite the bullet and get a job and move out. She probably sees her efforts as preventing early pregnancies or marriage when she has other goals she sees as more important for you.


It is actually very normal to want to date at your age, BUT it is also normal to move out of your parents house so that you are no longer totally financially dependent on them as well. So work on plans to find a way to support yourself and move out. Share an apt. with some other guys, get student loans, get a full time or part time job, whatever it takes to get out on your own so that you can control you own life rather than living by your parent's rules.

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