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difficult situation...

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well ive been going out with this girl for about..2 months but while i was getting to know her..i also met her best friend..her best friend already has a bf but i cant help but like her..even though she is going out with someone... i keep wondering that maybe she likes me and not her bf because we have loads of fun together...flirt alot (one of our teachers even commented on it once) and im not shure what to do..help please

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for now I'm thinking you both have other bf & gf,. so unless you want to break it off with your gf and she wants to break it off with her bf, and in the process you'll both betray your gf because that's her best friend and you're her boyfriend, I say, knock it off.


There's too much at stake here and your gf deserves a bf and a best friend who care about HER, not each other

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ok im going to actually use names so its easier to describe everything *sigh* ok im going out with rachel and im starting to like her best friend alice..and she is going out with eric..the thing is that eric is from out of town and they see each other like once yer twice a week and alot of the people here dont like him anyways..and i guess everyday i talk to alice so much and we have so much in common and everything that i start thinking of rachel as more as a friend everyday and alice more as a gf everyday and i really dont know wat to do because...well i just dont *sigh*

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