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is it just nothing? or is it the first step


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My ex of 5 years left and found a new guy in 2 weeks and its confirmed they are dating i know she was not seeing him before because i know who it is threw the grape vine and they just met, this guy is the total opposite of me lazy, does not do anything still lives at home, and this is the real question she called me today we have been broken up for 3 weeks we have talked on and off since the break up lots of bank stuff to take care of and what not, so she asked if i could help her in a photography gig (we are both photographers) and me being a idiot and just excited she asked me to go somewhere said of course i will help! Honestly i know every one here this a lot but i really do think she is the one! even when we went to the bank she sad "how come u cant be the guy you are now when we were together" talking about how hang out with my friends way more now, and my response was you were the only thing i ever needed to make me happy before, so how do i go about this photo gig play it off like we are there just for business or bring her something like her favorite tea, this whole thing as messed with my head like crazy! and our relationship did end on good terms she just gave me the "i love u but i am not in love with you" line, thanks for the help!

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Almost impossible to read your post due to no capitalization or punctuation!!!!!!!!


However, this DID stand out:


and our relationship did end on good terms she just gave me the "i love u but i am not in love with you" line,


So I'll tell you two unwelcome truths (imo) that you can either choose to consider or disregard:


(a) Despite what you think you *know*, she knew this guy while you were still together and was (at the very least) emotionally cheating on you before the breakup.


(b) When someone says "I love you but I'm not in love with you" what that means is that she no longer feels IN LOVE with you. She doesn't hate you as a person, you did nothing wrong.... she's just fallen out of love. If she was "The One" for you, this wouldn't happen -- no matter what.


Can you get her to fall back in love? Probably not, especially since she's already moved on to someone else.


Your best chance is to disappear from her world and let her miss you -- but even this only very rarely works. Try and focus instead on healing and acceptance. You deserve to be with someone who's FAITHFUL and who WANTS to be your girlfriend! Not someone you have to chase after and pine for while she's off with some other guy.....


Here's a guide that will help you: link removed

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