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can't get over my first love

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My ex boyfriend broke up with me unexpectedly in October, because he told me that his love for me had changed and he felt more of a friendship love rather than a relationship love. I've dated, and had one other boyfriend since him but nothing seems to help me to get over him. I miss him all the time and now that I have a new boyfriend, I find that no one can compare to my first love. I don't know what to do, because I don't wanna feel that way anymore . Can anyone help?

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You will always love anyone you ever fall in love with it just wont be as stong. I still have feelings for my first love but I have put them behind me. I mean think about it there could be a greater love then the one you already lost waiting for you. It took me 2 years to get over him. I just hope its sooner for you

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I know exactly how you feel. My boyfriend told me he stopped loving me one day and I was torn apart. It's only been 3 weeks and I still think of him EVERYDAY. I miss him a lot but he's been really rude to me and is making me stop loving him for who he is now, but for who he was. That's what hurts the most. He changed A LOT. I've tried being with other guys but it always leads back to thinking of him. I'd give you my advice but I'm sure you've tried everything. I find hanging out with other guys helps me a lot. Havin my girlfriends around and them talkings about their boyfriends doesn't make things any better Maybe you weren't ready to start dating again because that's how I feel. I'm waiting until I'm COMPLETELY over him to get back into a relationship. Break-up's hurt way too much for me to jump right back into one! Hope you feel better

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  • 3 weeks later...

When my girlfriend broke up with me I was sad to and still that way. Well their is nothing I can say that can make you feel any better but try to learn new hobbies or work harder on old hobbies like sports or go to the gym. If you really get into new stuff you will think less and less about your old bf it will take a little while to truly get over an ex. You sound like a great and beautiful girl I can hope things go better for you. You can pm or email or im if you want to talk about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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