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I hate everything.

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Gosh I dont really know whats gotten into me but its making me want to kill myself and today is Christmas. Its supposed to be a happy day.... we opened up gifts last night and I feel awful now because even though I got a bunch of things - several games a pooltable etc. I realize that I dont have anyone to share any of that with. I cant really ever talk to my parents at all because they dont pay attention to me. My 2 brothers are married and hardly visit, my parents hate all of my friends except one. And he can never come over cause his grandmother wont let him and plus I think hes takign advantage of me. I hateeverything about myself and for the last 2 days besides right now I've been laying on the couch and wont get up. My parents think its because my "games wont work" but its not. The only reason I play these online games is to escape all of my pain, but I finally realized that I dont have anything. I hate my body, and I cant do anything like go to the pool because I feel that I'm too hairry.


I'm so depressed and my parents dont even realize it, i tried talking to them and they are too stubborn to listen and jus make fun of me. I'm 15 and I dont know what to do, I just want to die because I hate all of this pain.

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Well, suicide won't help any . Look, there is always a good side to everything, or atleast a way to fix things (especially since its christmas). We all have our own problems, but we should not feel like killing ourselves for it. For one thing, look at all the gifts you got. Its pretty obvious some people are thinking about you. Suicide would just hurt them more than help you, as I also see suicide as the selfish way out. As for your parents, talk to them more, make them listen. Your brothers, call them. Talk to them. And for self image, never hate your body. Even if you really have a thing against it, there are ways around it. Feeling hairy? You can shave, wax, etc. Overall, I hope you have a good holiday break.

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So same for me...It just isnt an option. Ive been so very very very very depressed over xmas, sometimes just laying my head on my arms next to my keyboard but then i got up and said F-OFF to that voice and pretened i kileld it in my mind. Then i was like im gunna get off my buttcheeks and kick this depression to the moon. You must try and beat it, i tried to kill myself by slitting my wrists but failed and got a crappy little annoying papercut, now i wont touch a razor until i shave.


Hang onto that rope called life no matter how many anvils fall on your head while you trying to get to the top.



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Well life will always beat down on you and try to bring you down, it's part of life. It's during these times that we really find out what we are made of and what type of person we want to become. I'm not gonna lie, I've been in your shoes. I've tried that a few times in my past. I have the scars to show, I had the pills all ready, I had "Goodbye Letters" all written and sealed, and even had a rope all set and ready to go. But you can't let those thoughts get the best of you. You can't just give up. You may not see it now, but there is so much more out there for you that you see. You say you can't go to the pool because your hairy, well I'm Italian (the hariest race of people) and just to give a little FYI, most girls love a hairy man. You say your parents don't listen, but have you ever really sat down and talked to them? I sure as hell didn't until my second suicide attempt, and thats when I realized that they do listen and do care, I was the one shutting them out. The holidays can be a bi*** when you feel this way, but don't give up. Don't take that path. If you can conquer this during this time, it will show you how strong you really are, and how capable you are of handling some of the most stressful situations. I hope things can get better for you, and that you don't feel this way anymore. Live life to the fullest.

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i agree, hang in there. we're all here for you. you're not alone, don't forget that. i've felt that way myself in the past..really bad. but, i've learned that suicide would have solved nothing. you're way too young to do something so drastic. you won't regret it life. life has so much to show you when you realize that this is YOUR life and you can live it. you can beat this. i did and i will support you no matter what. msg me anytime. for now, just take deep breathes, walk, exercise, listen to music, watch a good movie, write, read, talk to SOMEONE, get help, don't be afraid, take vitamins (b12, b6, etc.), etc. you can do this. your whole life won't be this way, don't forget that. we're all here for you. i wish i were more hairy, atually haha. i'm 19 and look 13 in that department. but if you dont like, shave, wax, etc. you're gonna be ok. and PLEASE visit this site!

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or call 1-800-SUICIDE


take care and merry christmas

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Well hunny, I know exactly how you feel. I felt this way for such a long time about 6 months ago, and just like you, no one would help me. Personally, what got me is that even my "best friend" didnt notice that all I did was lay in my dark cold room and sleep. Sometimes I wouldnt eat for 2 days, then others I wouldnt stop eating. I started cutting again, after I had stopped 2 years before that, and once again started smoking. I was doing drugs. I even starting developing an eating disorder. I'm not sure how I got through this, but I honestly think it was school. I know that sounds weird, but it did help. After I realized that what I was doing was idiotic and that everyone loved me (and wanted the best for me) I came home, forced myself to stay up, and did all my homework. Needless to say, I hate straight A's at the end of last year. Good luck babes, and private message me if you need any more help.. or even someone to talk to.



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I cant go anywhere with anyone without feeling bad somehow. The only person who really understands me is my best friend who is also a guy and we hang out all of the time and talk a lot, but my mom hates him. People are calling us gay (no offense) and other bad names. Now everytime I'm with him, I start feeling weird and its pushing him away too and now I dont have anything! If I'm out somewhere with my brother I start feelign the same way, or when im with my parents I just dont feel right cause they dont listen to me. Every time someone invites me to go to the pool or lake then I really hate myself and I've tried smothering myself to death 3 times because I just couldnt stand it anymore - not being able to go because of what I think of body and dont want peopl making fun of me. I feel like ive just missed out on so much and cant stand the thought of missing out on more. I could have went to iceland for 3 weeks for a soccerr tournament but I didnt cause we would be goign to the pool there everyday. I used to be the most popular guy in school and now im.... not even close, all because of my problems.

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perhaps you could use some kind of hair removal treatment. i guess that being a guy you may feel a bit uncomforatable with the whole idea of that anywhere else than your face. normally i would just sugest for somebody to be happy with the way their body looked currently, because it could be so very much worse, but obviously you are, no offense of course, extremely self-conscious and you do care about what others think of you a lot. you could either use a hair removal treatment, like waxing or shaving, or you could just decide to be happy with the way you look naturally. I personally am very self-conscious about my weight. this summer i was constantly trying to eat as little as possible without somebody noticing. I am currently ninety-seven and a half pounds and 5'3". The numbers look fine to me, but when I look at myself in the mirror, I am often disgusted by how heavy I think I look. Perhaps this is how it is with you. Maybe your mind's eye blows up the proportions of the hair on your body. Perhaps you're really perfectly average in that manor, or maybe just a bit north of average, and you think that you look horrid. Self consciousness can do horrible things to the human brain. You can either give in or not– it's your choice. good luck!

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hey man, don't sweat it. life is too important to just give it up because of what others think about your hair. don't worry about it. the boys who ever make fun of you, i promise secretly are jealous. believe me, they envy you. growing up at your age, the more hair you are the cooler, older you are. i promise, they're just jealous. so forget about what they think, and just live for you. i know you're a great guy, so you should see that too and realize that your life is too important to waste because of these people. suicide would be a HUGE mistake. you're going to have so much happen for you in the future if you just believe. i believe in you, so please don't give up. take care, we're all here for you!


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