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Is it wrong to go to a dance/prom/ball with someone else?


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I've started seeing my ex again, it's been going on for 5 months now. It's OK...

It isn't a relationship, it's not dating, he doesn't want a relationship or anything serious, but that's a whole other story.


This is my final year at college and every year there is a summer ball and this is my final ball. I asked my ex a few weeks ago if he would go with me, and he reluctantly said yes... I know he doesn't want to go, it isn't really his thing and my friends detest him so it's understandable for him to not want to go.

But I'd like to go with someone...

A few people who know of my current relationship status have asked me, purely on platonic grounds.


Is it acceptable for me to be accompanied by someone else to the ball?

My ex is the type of bloke who doesn't have feelings, or at least will never show or admit to them. So its tough for me to see how it's going to make him feel.

I am going to ask him, I was just curious to see if this concept of going with a platonic friend is acceptable or not if your partner does not go to a ball, prom, etc.

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Hi Saures. May I ask why you asked your ex to the ball if you know that he doesn't want a relationship? You say that you've started seeing your ex again and that has been going on for 5 months. Are you expecting your ex to ask you out? Or, are you trying to win your ex over again?


Think again about your motive for asking out your ex.


Also, when you go to the ball, do you want to have the night of your life, especially since it is the last ball of your college years? Do you think you would accomplish more fun with your ex or with a friend?

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It's nothing serious, so he doesn't have dibs on accompanying you to the ball. I have a feeling, however that if you talked with him and explained that you wouldn't mind going with someone else you are going to see what he really wants. If he shrugs his shoulders and prefers you to go with someone else then you know that he was never really interested to begin with. Letting him know you have other options may also make him realise how much he does want to take you

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