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Does it really come natural?

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Alright my girlfriend wants me to kiss her tonight she told me lol. I really want to but I've really never kissed a true kiss. I've had my little pecks over the years but I have never been in a really serious relationship and I'm pretty frigin nervous. What I want to know is does the kiss really come natural? I'm not so much worried about the kiss itself as I am as starting it. We are going ice skating tonight so I'm sure there will be plenty of contact because she hasnt done it before. I just don't want to screw this up.

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Easy. If you are waiting for the right moment use the "kiss test" as I've been told to call it. Basically when you're sitting face-to-face with her you run your fingers through her hair...if she pulls away then forget it...if she doesn't then go in. As far as mechanics and coming natural...well you really just gotta practise it.


Edit: I wouldn't ask her if it's ok to kiss her...that kind of kills the mood.

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Alright my girlfriend wants me to kiss her tonight she told me lol. I really want to but I've really never kissed a true kiss. I've had my little pecks over the years but I have never been in a really serious relationship and I'm pretty frigin nervous. What I want to know is does the kiss really come natural? I'm not so much worried about the kiss itself as I am as starting it. We are going ice skating tonight so I'm sure there will be plenty of contact because she hasnt done it before. I just don't want to screw this up.


Don't think so much, it does come naturally. If you are nervous and you think that the time has come, start with a hug. Then, instead of letting her go, pull back a bit, look into her eyes...it will just happen man


Skating is a great way to "break the ice", by the way. One of my favourite date activities. Lots of opportunity for holding hands, etc. I think that you are going to do just fine.


Relax, and have fun

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i put a post up not too long ago about somthing similur, if you to really wanna kiss it should all come natrual! just make sure you look into her eyes and so she can indicate to you in someway she feels the same trust me she will. and when you kiss you will know it's right just go with the flow and enjoy yourself! a kiss is special so don't be nerous just let yourself go and enjoy the moment ! xxxx

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