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Sigh.. my life is so perfect

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Kay, you haven't had a ton of expeience, huh?


Come back in 10 years after you've seen a bit more. You may just have some scary stories to tell.


By the way, being popular is nice, but it's not as important as being a good person. I hope you're that, too.



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yeah...you might be popular and your so called "boyfriend" might have a big dick but thats not all that matters hun. the inside is what counts. being popular is not going to get you anywhere. so i hope you have brains too and i also hope your a good person because what i think of you, from just hearing your post, is that your just a popuar wannabe who thinks too much of herself. heres some advice: stop bragging and dont go send a post when you dont have a problem because some people like myself have problems and actully need help! ok? thank you very much!

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