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Need Urgent Advice !!!

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well there is this friend of mine who asked me to marry him on chat 2 months ago . idont know him much .its just that both of us work in the place and he used to sit beside me before he got promoted. i didnt know what to say to him when he proposed .but ven after that we continued to chat with each other .then suddenly he stopped talking to me . this went on for sometime . so i tried to start the conversation agian . after a few days he started speaking to me again,. by now i had realised that i really enjoyed the company of this guy and hadstarted having feelings for him .may b that is what pushed to speak to him again.


one of our common friends who knew about the whole situation went and spoke to him and told him that i like him and that we should take this friendship to the next level. at that point he said that we were just good friends and then immediately he said he needs 2 days to think about the same.


there was no answer for 8 days . so this common friend went and asked him , to which he said that he did not like a third person coming and telling him all this . he said it really hurt him . and he said his answer was a 'No'.


i was really hurt since it was this guy who started it all. since both of us work in the same place its very difficult to not face each other. but i just ignored him totally for the next 2 days like he did not exist.


the reaction to that was he went and spoke to our common friend and told him that it was due to his new promotion that he did not get any time to chat with me and immediatley after that he came to speak to me on chat. i didnt knw what to do . ididnt want to speak or chat with him after a 'NO' from him . our common friend told me to chat with him and so i did .


after that day this guy makes it a point to come and talk to me . i dont understand what is going on .


the newest thing that happened lately is that he was supposed to go on leave for 10 days . As usual i finished my work and was about to leave .i knew he was going on leave and so i wanted to get out of office without him knowing it. so i quickly took the other way and after keeping my things rushed to the exit.


he came running from his place towards me and asked me if i was leaving for the day and told me he was going on leave and that he would see me after ten days . after which we said bye to each other .


Could someone please tell me what is going on in his head .Am all confused .i dont know if i should be positive or what.



Pllllllzzzzzzzzzzzz Help.

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To be honest I don't like the sound of this.As you and most people know there are stages in every type of relationship, but more so in a romantic one. You never dated but sat next to each other at work and he proposes marriage. That's extremely, extremely odd. Then you give a very reasonablr response and instead of apologising for putting you in an embarrassing situation he basically sulks because you didn't say yes. Then, even though he presumably thinks he loves you,he expresses his resentment at another party being involved.

I would advise you not to date him and make more people you trust at work aware of what he did because he sounds very strange. Tell him that you only want to be workmates. If hes acting this strange when hes trying to win you, one can onlu imagine how much stranger he is when you get to know him. Be careful.

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I agree with cassiana, this guy certainly spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E to me!


I also advise you to stay the heck away from him, and tell your common friend to do the same.


Get over this slimy guy quickly. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I think the only reason you developed feelings for him is because you knew already that he liked you, and you were flattered. It's a very common situation, but this guy does not seem mature enough to handle a lady- especially if he proposes marriage to you ONLINE when he barely even knows you.


It's not clear from your post, but is the guy your working superior? If he is, and his creepy behavior continues, it could be classified as "harassment". Start recording your chats and conversations with him and report it to another superior, especially if you ever feel threatened.


Take care!

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