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Ive been having strange headaches lately. They keep coming and going. They dont really hurt but they just feel weird. I also get soar throats every now and then. Im kind of worried becuase ive never had headaches like these before. I dont want it to be something serious such as a brain tumor or something like that. I looked up some symptoms of brain tumors online....


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I was wondering, since i only get headaches and soar throats, shoudl i be worried about having something so serious? and if anyone knows, would someone who has something like a brain tumor only experience headaches or would they experience multiple symptoms, any help is appreciated, thanks.

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How long have you had these headaches? Are the sore throats accompanied by fevers, chills? Are your lymph nodes in your neck really swollen? As in, if you twist your neck, do they hurt? It sounds like it could be Mono, though I am certaintly no medical expert. A ton of conditions can cause headaches and sore throats from medications to brain tumors ( though i dont know that brain tumors cause sore throats). The only way to really tell is to see your doctor.


But as far as Mono goes, I can tell you my personal experience and you can see if it relates to your own. When I first went to the doctor they thought I had strep throat because I had a very sore throat with the white puss spots on my tonsils. My tonsils were very swollen. Aparently people with mono have varying levels of sore throats and swollen glands/tonsils, but it can come and go. I also had alot of headaches, bad fetigue and for the first few days a low grade fever and aches. The only way you can be diagnosed with Mono is by getting a blood test, and theres no medication for it other than pain meds and steroids (its a virus thus cannot be treated with antibiotics). In very serious cases, you can be hospitalized, but thats pretty rare and usually only occurs in young children and older adults.


Another possibility is menengitis. Don't freak though! Most cases of menengitis are not life threatening. Most people get viral menengitis and never know it because they have simply flu like symptoms. Just sore throat and a recurring headache. When you start to worry about menengitis is if you have confusion or sensitivity to light, and a fever. And even this, as I've found out after an outbreak of bacterial menengitis in Maryland colleges, can be confused with migrane headaches.


Anyway, the point I'm trying to get accross is there are so many things just reoccurring headaches and a sore throat can be. Dehydration even. Maybe just a mild cold you cant get rid of. Only way to really know is to go to a doctor and get blood tests etc done. If you have anxieties about that, just remember that youll feel much better going and finding out whats reallly wrong than waiting till it could be too late.


Good luck!

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