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How to finger a girl?

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My friend i was given a very simple intrustion about fingering a girl... DON'T USE YOUR FINGER! why you may ask or not but i am gonna say it anyways because of the fact that your finger is dry and will stick to sensetive parts of that area. now your tongue is much more useful, use your tongue then when she is nice and moist use your finger but make sure it is wet all the time.




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the one piece of advice i can give you is to start out with light touches (make sure your fingers are moist!). go for the clitoris first, but just make sure to take it easy. after that, its up to her if she wants you to put your fingers inside her. remember: tease her, tantalize her with your fingertips* (key word: fingerTIPS). keep her wanting more. its best to start out slow and speed up later when she starts breathing harder...

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Bubba is right about the tongue being great but it's hard to give a woman an interal orgasm with your tongue since it can be too soft.


Basically you want to warm a girl up first by not touching anything but her legs and vulvas. Get her so wet you can feel it without going inside. Then work you fingers slow up from her opening to her clit. Rub gently in circles an keep going down for more of her juices whenever your finger starts to dry out.


FINALLY go inside, start with one finger, unless she's sexually active, then two. Rub GENTLY towards her belly, it's best to do it naturally. Don't force anything and pay attention to her at all times.


Kiss her softly anywhere else, if you're really feeling up to a challenge try kissing between her legs anywhere that feels right, making sure to never make DIRECT contact with the clit but to give it a lot of attention.


Well that's my crash course good luck!

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I'm going to say that if you're not familiar with women's body parts yet----then you shouldn't be going there yet.....


I agree with this statement. You should do some reading before hand and find out exactly what you are getting yourself into (so to speak). If resources are limited then perhaps she can show you? If you are in a comfortable enough relationship then you should be able to ask her what it is that she likes and if she wants to ever feel good then she shouldn't be embarrased to show you.


If she says that she feels like she has to go to the restroom, then that probably means you are pushing against her bladder or in some other area that makes her feel uncomfortable. Hopefully you are putting your finger in the right "opening" down there...thats another reason that she may feel like she has to go to the restroom. Ever had a prostate exam? DON'T put your finger/s there!


Seriously, if you were making that mistake that I mention above, some helpful reading or an anatomy class is in order.

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I'm going to say that if you're not familiar with women's body parts yet----then you shouldn't be going there yet.....


I completely disagree with that. There's no better way to learn than to try. Pictures can only say so much, but actually exploring... its worth far more to you than a million text books or ramdon persons telling you what to do online. So where are they located? Well, starting with a text book does help. But my best description is that its above the vaginal opening, probably 1-2 inches above. You'll find it by first finding the opening, which should be easy. Then moving between the outer labia, sometimes called the "lips", up toward her belly button. At some point you'll feel something that's akin to a pencil eraser in size and density. Well, that's average I should say. Just like men, all women have different sized clitoris'. Could be larger, could be smaller. But in any girl its just below where the lips end and the lower stomach begins. If you've reached pubic hair, you'll know you;ve gone too far.


And if she's an open kind of girl, she may let you "inspect" before hand. Not too many girls are willing to let you do this, but you may be... don't know if lucky is the right word but... she may be willing to let you really look at her vagina beforehand. I don't know how to ask her without risking that she may get pissed off/ grossed out, but if you think she's that kind of girl that's very comfortable with her body, it might be worth it!


Anyway, good luck, and don't get frustrated if something doesn't "work" right the first time. No one ever rides a bike the first time they try, right?

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Just to clarify what I meant when I agreed with monetlesa's post. It's not that exploring is a bad thing, but knowing a little bit about whats going on down there would help out. You even said so yourself that a text book or something would help.


Not that you have to be an expert BEFORE you explore, but the experience for her will be that much better if he has a slight idea as to what he is doing. Plus he will be much more confident leading into that experience.


My friends and I were always talking about the clitoris, where it is located and just what exactly it is doing there. I thought it was a hole the first time I heard about it. When my more experienced friend corrected me, I was grateful.


With that cleared up, roo1oo was right about the description of where it is. It will usually be covered up also but lightly touching that can be pleasurable as well. Sometimes directly stimulating it can be painful if shse isn't "warmed up" to the sensations yet. I still stand by the other recommendation of reading a book. It gives a better description and maybe pictures or illustrations. Some men never learn as an earlier post stated so asking her isn't a bad idea either, although she'd appreciate it if you seemed a little experienced on your own (the OTHER double standard).

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Tips on fingering


1. Pls trim ur fingernail and no "sharp" edges


2. Dont ever poke your finger her vagina when she still not arouse


3. Make sure she is wet inside b4 u insert ur finger


4. easy way of making a girl wet inside is to use ur tongue on her clit 1st.


5. Once she is wet inside, slowly insert 1 finger, about 2 or 3 inches in.


6. u can either massage her interior by moving ur finger side way or in and out of the entrance. ( gals sensitive part is the 1st 2 or 3 inches)


7. if she feel comfortable, u can insert 2 fingers inside to touch more areas.


to the previous post that is asking where is the clit, its just above ur vagina opening. its look like a hood with skin over it (actually looks like a minature of a male organ). or its just directly above where ur urine came out from. as for how to put a tampon in, dun ask me im not woman maybe u should just relax ur vagina muscle and slowly insert it in. maybe u r too tense hence ur vagina opening clamp up.

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