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what would you do

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I'm currently deployed in support of OSW. Me and my ex were trying to work our problems out before I left. Now that I'm 5000 miles from home, she decides we should cut off everything. Now when I call she doesn't answer the phone. The only way for me to contact her is to call her at work. We love each other very much, but she thinks we can't be together because she just recently became a Christian and I'm not. This is after a 3 year relationship. Our relationship wasn't the best in the world, I had my faults and she had hers. But we always managed to stay together (we never cheated on each other) I've sent her roses, cards, letters to show her how much I love and care for her. All with no success. I've called her for four days straight and she hasn't answered her phone. I could understand if it was a house phone, but she has a cellphone and always has it with her. The last time we talked, she was bringing up stuff I did 2 years ago. I try to tell myself to get over it and get on with my life, but I can't. Everything reminds me of her. What if I never meet anyone like her again. Other women try to talk to me and br friends, but the end up pissed off at me because I don't show them any interest. Will I ever get over this? I try to, but I keep calling and getting slapped in the face HELP

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  • 6 months later...

My relationship also just broke up because of a trip, being away from your partner seems to me to be the best love "test" ever. 4 years no problems and very romantic loving relationship. poof, no warning, i get, i realised i dont love you, etc.


your partner realized she doesnt love you, and brings up all those little faults of the past and any other excuses to justify her decision to leave you. this helps her cope with the guilt.


Dont keep trying to call her, just stop, start the healing process, time will heal your wounds, when you are ready, youll be able to be interested in other women again.


Dont blame yourself. you didnt do anything wrong.

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  • 4 months later...

Yes ... the fact that she brings up things you have done in the past, which might be unrelated with her real reason for wanting to leave you ...


I have spent some time thinking about the issue of religion and it really it a big issue if your partner is very serious about it. Its so powerful because its supposed to be fundamental... I am sorry about this situation. When it comes to religion, I believe that's all one can do, because its a fundamental divide.


Does this help? I doubt it ... didn't help me in a similar situation either!

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  • 2 months later...


From what you wrote, your relationship is very complicated and Religion just makes the situation more difficult. I have a logn distance and also inter-religion relationship and it's hard, but i'm not willing to give up.

Maybe your girlfriend bring us all the things you did in the past because she fears she will lose you, especially now that you're far away. She might now try to find a refuge in someone else, but if there was love between the two of you, distance or religion isn't gonna wash it away soon. Yeah, religion is a big obstacle, but maybe you can find ways to overcome it. Don't call her anymore, give her some time, but try to e-mail her and explain exactly how you feel.

I wish you the best of luck!

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