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Ok. so heres my deal ok, My girlfriend and I broke up like 2 months ago from a 2.5 year relationship. I tought we were always gonna be together and that nothing was gonna tear us apart. But it wasnt like i tought. we broke up and everything was lost. Now shes doing things with another guy but she says they arent going out. Today I asked her to come back with me and to try to be with me again, she said no that it would be too weird after everything that she has done with this guy and that this guy really likes her and that she doesnt know if she likes the guy. She said it woulntd be alright to just leave him like that. I got mad and i dindt say anything to i just said bye and left, and well i dont know i feel so lost. I mean shes moving on and im still stuck behind and im just depressed cuz im stcuk with all these memories and nothing else. I dont know how to move on the more i try to ignore her the more my heart calls out for her. I see signs everywhere and its like if her heart is calling out to mine but when i go to her all i get is pushed away and nothing but emptyness. I dont know what to do. I know im young and all of that stuff that ill move and find someone else stuff. But none of that stuff is lifting me up or anything. please help

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Hi Pal,

Love is like that, when u love someone u wouldnt be alright to leave him like that. i hope u can understand..


U chosen a nice gal to date, but boy, things just arent that bad. If she is just a normal friend with that guy, accept it. If she had already started dating someone, wish them all the best.


Love is to give not to take. If u love her, why u want to take her back? It is ur selfishness that is in the way. Let her go and if she does come back she is urs.

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