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The conversation...When asking out a girl


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OK, so I've made up my mind, I'm going to ask my crush out. It seems like she likes me. Of course, I"m not sure of this, but hey, I might as well try.


But here's my question...I'd feel weird if I were just talking to her after school, and then all of a sudden at the end, I asked her out for the weekend..as if she'd know that all I was doing was making conversation, preparing to ask her out.


So, I was thinking, on my way leaving school, she's always with her friends in front of the lounge. So I was thinking of just taking her to the side real quick and saying something along the lines of:


"hey, I gotta go real quick, but I just wanted to quickly ask you something. I think you're a really fun person to be with, and I was wondering if you're not busy on the weekend, if you'd wanna go catch a movie with me?"


I dunno. I'm inexperienced...so give me any opinions. Is that good...bad...and what might I change?

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It is ok!! But here is my advice.. the asking her to a movie part is great.. but don't say quickly.. i had a dude ask me out really fast like that i didn't understand him at all.. so just don't say it quickly, or say quickly..

say something like.. i gotta to go, but i was wondering do you want to go out.....etc!!


Just my advice.. Good luck!!

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heh okie.


I think the main thing I'm wondering (though any other advice is welcome of course) is, is it alright that i'm bypassing any conversation, and getting to the point? I'd prefer if it were done that way, but I'm hoping she doesn't think i'm being too direct hehe...I guess that's my real worry, is it ok that i'm asking without any conversation before? (What I mean is, I won't be talking to her right before I ask her out...I don't mean that I"ve never talked to her before)

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Ok, the whole speech tning is great, for when u want to ask her to be your gf. There is something i realized, cuz i used to be just liek thta, think up everyhting to say for something u think is a big deal, but ure gunna realize soon, a date is just a small thing, u guys r just going to be chilling at a movie. just go up and say, hey im goin to the movies this weekend, u wanna come, act real casual, should go good, good luck!

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