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so confused with ex reconciliation


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I really am man I promised I won't get with another girl she said the same. I won't break another promise to her.its like yesterday she was in love with me and she talksTo her from the never back at square one with her decide you want to be upset with me.I just wish you could sit back and realize that I've been telling the truth and look at all the situations that I told myself and knowing that telling her these things would hurt her but I could be honest about it.

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One thing that i thought about after my girl left me that you should consider is this, how would you feel if you caught them doing the exact same things we did? Probably not to thrilled, i dont blame her for leaving me, or you. But its up to us to learn from mistakes and maybe get another chance with them, or not make the same mistakes with the next one.

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Hey man my ex did the exact same things, said i was the one, missed me, saw a future with me, but was still so hurt she wasnt ready. We tried to hangout 5 weeks after the BU and it wasnt a good idea at all, far to soon and she hadnt healed yet, nor had I. Give it some time before you reach out to her, and prove to yourself that you have changed over the next few months, thats what im doing, give her space and let her be free and have her live her life without you, that will show if she truly wants you. Been 5 weeks since i have talked to my ex and is it hard, hardest thing i have ever done, especailly cause i know she is sleeping with another guy for fun... She will heal with time and not seeing you, then you may have another shot. All we can do brother.


Private message me if you wanna talk more about your situation.

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