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Peeing blood? Help!

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I'm not going to go into the details of how this happened, but a toy plastic hunting knife was thrown at me from about ten feet away (By someone who has the arm of a baseball pitcher), and the tip of it managed to make contact with my urethra (I was wearing pants, but I could still feel the tip of it hit my penis-hole...). It's not like it CUT it or anything, it's just like someone hit me with a ball, it was just with something pointy...


I was in immense pain for a little while, and here, about an hour later, it still hurts a little when I'm sitting still, and to move it hurts, too... There's no VISIBLE damage to it, but about a half hour ago, I went to the bathroom and there was some blood in my urine... I don't have any reference points to go by as an example of how much blood it was, but it wasn't a MAJORITY of blood, but it was enough to tint the toilet water slightly red.


I know I should really give it more time before coming for advice, but as of right now, does everyone thing it will be okay / not okay?


(P.S. I'd REALLY like to not have to go to a doctor, because I'm still on my parent's insurance, and there's no way my mother will just accept 'it's a private issue' as an answer... And if you knew my mother, I really really really don't want to tell her what really happened... It would be incredibly awkward... But I will go to a doctor if it's necessary...)

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I have been a judo player for a couple of years.After a hard night of doing kata which may involve much throwing and particularly being thrown on the mat it has been known to cause dasome minor damage to the kidney wall and thereforeeee cause temporary bleeding which soon clears up with no lasting side effects. But if I were you get checked out by a doctor.Nothing is worht losing your life over mate.

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I definitely doesn't sound serious, but things have to start somewhere.


I was passed a bladder stone that caused some bleeding, but I doubt that's the cause here.


Better safe then sorry. If your parents ask just say you got with with a ball, you don't have to tell them exactly what happened.


You're still young accidents happen. Your parents should understand that.

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