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Its an endless cycle-most girls go for jerks.


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I think it's a logical consequence of being more attractive... they know their looks 'work' so why would they stick to just one girl...


I'm also the goody-goody,nerdy type and don't get GF's easily if at all....


And nerds are ugly everyone knows that... then you promise yourself that if only I got one... just that one girl who likes me I'd be faithful to her coz you hope that making that promise will make a miracle happen.. but it doesn't...

girls go for attractive guys indeed and so do we after all.. we like attractive girls let's be honest....

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i agree with shinobie at some point.


i think girls find guys that r confident and competetive attractive cuz those guys can express themselves easily. but they r often insensitive and stuff. (self-centered jerks)


guys that r less confident r oftenmore sensitive and nice, but girls don't find them attractive. but i believe not all girls r like that

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Well, as discussed several times before, you don't have to be a self-centered jerk in order to have confidence. You need to believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself then you will act more like yourself around people. People will begin to find you more attractive. It never hurts to work on your appearance a bit every day as well! But improving your appearance alone will not work. You need to believe in yourself as well.

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Ya, this happened to me last week. I was dating a girl and apparently she was seeing soemone else at the same time. Anyway, I was taking things a little slow because she seemed kind of shy. Then she phoned me up and said she didn't want to see me anymore because she just become "more than friends" with another guy.


I know exactly what happened. He found out about me and so he pulled a James Bond, seduced her and turned her to his side!


I was starting to lose interest in her anyway so it was kind of a lucky escape for me. But the point is the guy's a jerk!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
You know what? I am so over all these enotalone people complaining, day after day after day about how girls /always/ go for jerks.

So maybe we do? I see so many guys on here claiming that they know more about how the female mind works than a fricking female does.

So I find a 'jerk' more attractive than some whiny, whinging, self-proclaimed 'nice guy'. So what? Get over it already.


Right. I just realised that my post probably made no sense whatsoever -- but at least you will have learnt one thing from this: Dont piss off a girl with PMS.


I agree 100%


You call these guys jerks, but is it not true that everyone has something to offer?


To YOU they may be jerks, but for all you know these guys might give the ladies the respect they want and need. For all you know these jerks might be putting on a big macho show in front of you, sending you the wrong impression. You cannot comprehend that because a guy does not get along with you or others that he is a jerk.


EVERYONE has their faults, and just maybe the women who are dating the 'jerks' have seen past it and been in touch with the real person.


Concluding that because you don't get women and can see another guy's faults does not make you a nice guy nor does it make him a jerk. In fact by not getting past the guys faults portrays you as more of a jerk then he.


Sometimes I think that I'd prefer a jerk that was at least man enough to do something about the situation, then a nice guy whom does nothing but complain about it!

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