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I had to block my ex's e-mail

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Hi Guys,


I just blocked Lisa's e-mail address


I want to keep the lines of communication open, but this had to be done. When I checked my mail tonight there was a message from her. It was just a joke that she forwarded to a bunch of people. Rather than focusing on the content, I scanned the recipient list for the names of guys that I did not know and found at least one This is torture, and not worth the entertainment provided by the jokes, so I had to put a stop to it. I don't think I should tell her, but she will think that I am ignoring her now.


If she really needs to talk, she can pick up the phone.

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I enjoy when people are stupid enough to send a list of their firends emails. This is where the fun begins. There is just so much stuff you can do for fun with that list.


One time this girl I knew sent a joke questionaire to all her friends. So I filled out the questionaire for her and sent it to everyone on email list. Granted she didn't think it was as funny as I did. Other stuff to do with that list I don't want to say on here because it may cause some kind of epidemic.


One I will give you. Take that guys email address and submit it to as many pornsites as you can. Sign up for everything on the net that offers free stuff. Post his email on some forums(not here though) so that spam bots can grab his address.


Have fun with your new list.


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man come on, why do people want to keep the lines open for communication with ex's who broke their hearts or are break your heart every time you talk to them? My last girlfriend I haven't talkked to since we broke up 8 months ago and it has been the best decision ever, out of sight out of mind...

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One I will give you. Take that guys email address and submit it to as many pornsites as you can. Sign up for everything on the net that offers free stuff. Post his email on some forums(not here though) so that spam bots can grab his address.


Have fun with your new list.



LOL Very funny.


Not my style, but thanks for the laugh!

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Everyone moves at their own pace. It is like quitting smoking. If you are not ready to quit then it just won't work. Not saying I don't agree with you though.


By the way, anyone want to volunteer their email address for a demo?



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Hehe.... Yeah, DBL but it was a cruel and unusual punishment. And it was some dude trying to sell magazines... I was trying to be nice (b/c I was innocent then) and by the time the guy got mad because I wouldn't purchase the magazines he had already obtained my email address. The next day I received over 200 emails. It's been like that for TWO years and it sucks because it was one of my university emails that I needed for large files!!! In fact the other day I checked and if I don't delete every day it gets to the 2,000 range. Ahhhhh. EEEEEEEEEEEEhhhhh! Help.


Odysseus77: I broke up with my boyfriend five weeks ago and there has been ZERO contact. So blissful indeed. I think it is always one party that won't let go and hence the process of "breaking up" inevitably elongates. Quite annoying.



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man come on, why do people want to keep the lines open for communication with ex's who broke their hearts or are break your heart every time you talk to them? My last girlfriend I haven't talkked to since we broke up 8 months ago and it has been the best decision ever, out of sight out of mind...


Lisa and I ended on very good terms. We have a lot of common interests that I hope one day we will be able to share again. We started our relationship as best friends, and in the end that is the foundation that we have left. She is sensitive enough to not rub her new love life in my face (intentionally at least - this was an accident - who knows who this guy is anyways, its probably nothing).


I have had 2 other significant relationships in my past, and I did not maintain contact with these people, a decision that I regret today. My romantic love for them has faded, I have fallen for other people. I still love them however, and wish that they were still in my life as friends today. I don't want to make the same mistake with Lisa. It will take me time to accept my new relationship with Lisa, many months, maybe years, but I don't want to burn the strong bridge that we have. We just need to give each other space until we are both healed, more or less. I am in no contact mode (hence why I didn't contact Lisa to ask her to take me off the list), and Lisa is minimizing contact with me for a while as well.


Wish us both luck

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Holly Crap!!!! Mentor maybe you and I should talk more often. The same thing just happened to me a few minutes ago...I think it is a forward email...but I had already decided not to open it just because I want to avoid the feeling you started having, the assumptions you started making. You are taking it personal and letting it effect you like "black Magic". I think you should not open it and block it as well. Me I am gonna delete it without even reading it.

You see today was not so hard for me(still tough), but not so bad and I exactly want to avoid her having any upperhand in MY PROCESS of creating a RELATIONSHIP WITH ME!!!


About retaliating...I think that is a bit childish, I refuse to lower my self esteem and play these games. I am working on not letting anything and anyone that does something to me effect me in any ways or forms. I am becoming stronger and more mature and I like that alot!!!

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About retaliating...I think that is a bit childish, I refuse to lower my self esteem and play these games. I am working on not letting anything and anyone that does something to me effect me in any ways or forms. I am becoming stronger and more mature and I like that alot!!!





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Sorry guys, I can't agree. If someone kicks you, your natural instinct is to kick back. I am going to make sure this guy gets kicked off his SS disability, because there's nothing wrong with him besides being an idiot.


I'm also going to inform the IRS that he cheated on his taxes this year. I intend to make his life as hard as mine is right now.


The heck with being friends.

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Hi Mr Mentor,

I genuinely believe that if u ignore someone, U dun have to bother to tell the public, dun u?

And i believe if u dun like the entertainment, u can always choose to delete all, and then put her on the ignore list, isnt there something call an junk mail in ur email add?

And yes! i understand how u feel if u really hate that sort of entertainment, but i think u shld concentrate on how she feels, as noone will like to be ignore.

Haha if u are using this to expect her call, well, thats a very good one to begin on, but dun expect too much if u arent nice in treating her, coz she might not even message u at all.


I have a quote for u:

Do not do to others in which u do not want others to do to u.


okay, best of best lucks to u


Thanks for reading..

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It's a very normal thing to do Mentor. It doesn't mean that in the future you can't unblock her again. I blocked and deleted my ex from my msn messenger for a long while after he broke up with me because like someone else mentioned, that kind of presense would have been like black magic. I knew that if he was online and didn't say anything to me I would get upset, or if he was not online I would wonder what he was up to. So I deleted him straightaway. I added him again after a few months and seeing him online etc has no affect on me now whatsoever. But most importantly, if he knew at the time that I had blocked and deleted him, I'm sure he understood why.

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It's a very normal thing to do Mentor. It doesn't mean that in the future you can't unblock her again. I blocked and deleted my ex from my msn messenger for a long while after he broke up with me because like someone else mentioned, that kind of presense would have been like black magic. I knew that if he was online and didn't say anything to me I would get upset, or if he was not online I would wonder what he was up to. So I deleted him straightaway. I added him again after a few months and seeing him online etc has no affect on me now whatsoever. But most importantly, if he knew at the time that I had blocked and deleted him, I'm sure he understood why.


Thanks bamboo,


This has made me feel much better

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Hi everyone..here are some more updates:

I just got another message from my "babe", and to tell the truth I kinda am surprised to receive two emails in two days from her. FIrst it was ...i think a general one....and then this one has subject line "in need your birthday". she sent me something like that a long time ago and to others as well. That was when she had just left me and I didn't feel ready to answer, plus I was confused because if she Doesn't know my brithday....then this is out of this world. I think she is setting up an online thing where you can get an automatic reminder on birthdays. Now maybe that system requires an outside person (other than her) to make it official.

But I am just confused to get two emails from her in two days!! Especially now that I thought we were in NC time and I was starting to feel a bit better. Note that I have not made any attempts to reach out to her, and these emails she sent I have not opened them...

Please help!

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Hey everyone, I did check the emails and true enough they were pretty harmless...just chain emails sent to everyone on her email address. I Am getting ready to head over to the party and really have a good time with some friends. If she shows up(which i doubt) I think I am ready to handle it. Later

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One I will give you. Take that guys email address and submit it to as many pornsites as you can. Sign up for everything on the net that offers free stuff. Post his email on some forums(not here though) so that spam bots can grab his address.



hahahahahaha...i wish i had done that a while back, to bad i deleted the persons email

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