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Just an update, Im givin it another shot. Advice/comments?

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Ok, this is an update to my last post, link removed


Well, today, right away in the morning, When I saw her, things went awesome, I couldn't believe it, it was feeling liek a relationship. After I talked to her for a bit, my frined needed to talk to me, so I turned around and talked to him for a bit, and my gf's friend that she hasnt talked to in awhile came over and started talking to my gf, I could over hear what they were talking about, even though they were trying to be quiet and they thought i was too busy with my friend, I heard her tell her friend that I asked her out, and her friend was liek"OMG, I cant believe it, hes so cute this is unbelievable (OH I kno, I wouldnt consider myself too cute, but this was a big boost for my self estem and it felt good 8) ) and then I looked out the corner of my eye, and my gf, was kinda jumpin up and down sayin "ya i kno, I cant believe it", and she seemed really happy and estatic, telling her friend that, So after her friend left, I went up to her and were were just talking, now during the field trip, things kind of changed a bit, she didnt sit near me, which was ok I guess, she sat with her best friend, so I was like ok no biggie, I was sittin by myself close to her, but then she got up, and went and sat with my friend and was having a good conversation with him, and they were laughing liek crazy (I was pretty mad at both of them at that point, especially becasue my friend knows the problems Im having And knows Im trying to fix them, and hes making everything worse) and then we kind of hung out on the field trip, but at luch, she went off with her friends, and ditched me again, kind of frustrating, but oh well I had my friends to hang out with, then, the rest of the trip, we didnt hang out at all, she kind of ignored me again, so I got pretty angry, but didnt show it (I never show How im feeling, or tell somebody if im having a problem with them), then on the bus ride back, she saw me sittin by myslef, so she came and sat with me, btu I dodnt talk much, because of earlier, and I was thinkin of a way to break up with her then, then we got to school, and she started acting awesome again.


So, now I've decided, to wait a bit longer on breaking up, Im going to say something soon like, "hey when do I get to meet your dad so we can start getting together (her dad wants to meet me before she comes over), and if she kind of delays, or says, I dont know, im just going to assume, she really isnt interested that much so Im going to break up with her, and if she gives me an invitation to meet him, I'll do that, then well get together a couple times, and see how that goes. Well thanks for reading this monster post, any comments or suggestions? thanks, Josh.

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Hey, why don't you just ask her why she doesn't really hang out with you? I know it might be kind of weird, but that would be giving her a chance to pay more attention to you, if she knew it was bothering you. If she doesn't then you would have a better reason to break up! Is she younger than you? Has she been in a relationship before?

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keep something in mind...being in a healthy relationship doesn't mean being together like velcro...


both of you come into a relationship having other friends, lives..etc. She doesn't have to be around you every minute she's "around" you...and vice versa....


Spending time away from a partner is just as important as being together...it gives you things to talk about.

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Ok, well, I guess your right, I am going to have to talk to to her about it, I cant just start delaying things, and playing everything by ear, She online right now, So, im going to tell her, me and her need to talk about something tomorrow (its best to do things in person) and im going to see how she feels and what she wants to do about. Thanks again

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