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shes mad because i dont talk to her...

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Right, so theres this girl that i like alot (we've been pretty good friends for a while, i mean.. we didnt talk like in person a whole lot, but alot over aim or what not), so her friend found out from one of mine that i like her, and now I dont know what to say when i talk to her, or other things like that. So now she thinks I'm mad at her because i dont talk, and she won't listen to me if i tell her that im not mad. Any suggestions on how to get the message through to her?

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I disagree with the previous poster.


There are several possibilities,

1. maybe her friend didn't tell her that you like her

2. maybe she doesn't believe it when her friend told her you like her (i've been in this situation before)

3. maybe she's confused too so she just act like she doesn't know you like her

4. maybe she knows and like you back but you suddenly stopped talking so she doesn't know how to get through you.


Either way, if you all of a sudden become less open in your conversation or avoid sensitive subjects that you previously talk about openly, then it's confusing her and she'd think something's wrong. (that's why she asks if you're mad at her) You can't just say you're not mad without an explanation because I'm sure she cherishes the friendship so far.


As to what to do next, like the other posters said, keep talking with her like you did before, but ask her out for lunch or something. Increase the physical contact and be more comfortable communicating in person rather than just through aim. You can do it!

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Well you disagree with me and that's fine. However I'm just trying to help just_wing_it9 not get into a situation where he's chasing after her trying to prove himself and trying to make her happy. This should be a two-way process, and if she thinks there's a problem she ought to be prepared to discuss it. Honestly, when problems arise between me and someone else, and they handle it by ignoring me or having a mood swing, rather than discussing it, are they worth my time? Will this set the pattern of your relationship? Will she be forever getting upset over misunderstandings, refuse to discuss them and then you spend your life trying to keep her happy rather than looking after your own feelings? I've seen it happen before my friend. Please. Don't assume it is all your fault. Judge her behaviour by the same criteria you judge your own.

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