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Staring does it mean something?


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There is a guy that i like alot, but we never talk, weird, but true. He use to like me along, long time ago, but now i don't know! I see him alot, and we look at eachother i think, sometimes he stares at me, and i stare at him. But like i said we never talk. What should i do? How could i tell him i like him, by words not by staring? And does staring mean he likes me, or does he think i'm weird for staring at him?


HELP!! Please!!

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It could be like Ticklebug said or its cos he likes you. But how long do you stare? If its for hours then its a blinking competition but if its occasional flirting then youve got something. Also you said he liked you once, which is in your favour! My advice would be to make small talk with him and see if hes interested. If he is, go the hell out with him already!!!

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If a guy liked you once does he still?


That's really hard to answer...it's different all the time...and depends on how much he liked you to begin with, among other things.


I know that some girls I have liked in the past, I feel ABSOLUTELY nothing for anymore. And some girls who I liked before, when I see them or start talking to them again, I tend to start liking them again. So it's different...it's hard to say.


Sorry if thats not the answer you were looking for...but I don't think it's so black and white

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does he flirt w/ you. does he try to get your attention. Staring at you is a good sign that he may like you, hes proubley shy and dont want to tell you how he feels. you should ask him how he feels for you if he wants to know just let him know that you was just wondering . get him thinking about the whole thing. if he does feel the same way , then hell make a move. just wait, tell the right time. he will prouble freak out and run. if thats the case hes shy.

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