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Dreams dreams dreams

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Let me start by saying that 4 mos post bu and im doing a lot better. It was a 6 year relationship with cheating involved for break so im not there yet but im doing much better. I have been having a lot of dreams about her lately and let me tell u that a month or 2 ago they would ruin my whole day. Now i think about her for a lil bit and then go about my biz. Ironically i got emails from her today with old pics, which made me feel good for about 2 sec and then i realize that she was likely cleaning out her old computer. my point is for all you guys out there hurting like how I have been hurting is that it does start to get a little easier. Now do I still miss her? hell yes I think about her daily numerous times throughout the day, but I can go on living my life and doing things without ruining my day as it did in the beginning.so if you guys have been having dreams like I have just hang in there because eventually even they won't do as much damage as they once did.

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I still have dreams about her too. It's only been a month and a half but my problem is waking up in the middle of the night, thinking about her and not being able to go back to sleep. Even with sleep meds. I don't know how to resolve this.


I try to shift my thoughts to something else and it works sometimes, but then I'll sleep for about 15 - 30 minutes and it happens over and over again.


I'm glad you're doing better.

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trust me I went through the exact same thing except I didn't take any meds for it I just didn't get any sleep. like I said it will get easier but it's still tough at times.I don't dream near as much as I used to but when they come it's still hard to shake that feeling. in the beginning it's still so hard to accept and just you can't believe this happened to you and all you can think about is how much u miss having her in ur life. not to mention that all we remember in the beginning is all the good about them, I've gotten to the point where I can now recognize all the issues and all the bad in her that I wanted to overlook. trust me man you'll be a lot better in a few months.I'm still a ways off but 10 times better than I was.

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