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My little hobby

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I figure it's time I post about something other than a personal problem, so here goes:


One thing I like to do is notice the weird things people do. One of my more recent observations is that people can't resist looking at their reflection.

When I take the subway, I stand near the elevator, which has some reflective metal.

I would estimate that 60% of people who walk by, turn their heads to check themselves out.


Does anybody else share this hobby? If so, what are some things you have noticed?

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oh totally, i read in a magazine once the a good guilty pleasure is looking in all relfective surfaces you can ha ha sometimes its good to check yourself out, like before an interview, date, etc. or just to give yourself a boost.


and hurah for all the leo sisters out there god love ya!

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  • 2 weeks later...

haha! i cant believe someone else does it too! say if im in the car, i will sit there staring at myself in the wingmirror, just to look at myself, and i dont feel ugly, i just feel kind of happy of who i am, and what i have in my life, and of all the things ive done and of all the things i own. is that a bad thing? and i kinda sit there and look at myself and look at my hair or my eyes, or just blatantly sit there staring at myself deepely. i heard somewhere its a good way of getting your feelings out, cos its like looking into your heart, how that works im not sure, but i guess its an explanation!

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ok i think mine are the weirdest ones....


when i see people talking to me or to others near me, i stare at there face when there not looking.. i can tell if they r exagerating or telling a lie or if they feel like it was a stupid thing to say.. lemme explain


after someone says a comment look at them carfully u can see there face change a little like there eyebrows go up and they make a smirk or they kinda look away or try to make it look like they r cool l0l but inside they r thinking "why did i say that, i sound so stupid" l0l!!!!!



another one. when i was younger my mom always told me "do you ever think b4 u do something???" and now i always think b4 say or make an action, sometime i think to much or should i say "over think"lol, but yea.. i think alot


sometimes with ppl i dont know im quiet because i try to think why they said what they said in the conversation

(makes me look wise) l0lol0lo0l0l0o0l0o0ol!!!!!

last one. this kinda relates to the first one. i try to find out what ppl r thinking in there heads by there facial expretion.

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when i see people talking to me or to others near me, i stare at there face when there not looking.. i can tell if they r exagerating or telling a lie or if they feel like it was a stupid thing to say.. lemme explain

I do this with certain kind of people. Usually the loud ones trying to get attention. I find these people tend to be the ones who do the most exaggerating. So it's kind of fun to see if you can pick out the lies.


another one. when i was younger my mom always told me "do you ever think b4 u do something???" and now i always think b4 say or make an action, sometime i think to much or should i say "over think"lol, but yea.. i think alot

My mom also told me that when I was younger. It definitely leads to overthinking.

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i always check myself out in a car or something reflective. exspecially if you are in a place where you don't know the people teribly well, i would hate to look like a complete DUMBASS! say like if all my hair was sticking up lol

anywayz, I'M A LEO TO ROCK ON !!!!!!

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