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How do you deal with friends who get moody when they don't get what they want


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Sometimes it feels like I am in the playground with this particular friend, she has a habit (ever since I have known her) of getting in a mood if she doesn't get what she wants, she is a great friend in every other way, really kind, caring, fun, listens, advises, there for you if you need her etc. But she can make it really obvious when she is annoyed about not getting her way. I remember her being like this at school and I think most people grow out of this kind of thing, well not her! Some of our other friends think the same as I do, now most of the time I can deal with it, I just get on with it and ignore her little mood and soon enough things are back to normal.


My worry is that next year we are doing a big trip for about 4/5 months, I can't cope with these moods if we are with each other 24/7. What would you do in this situation? I am pretty sure there will be times when we will disagree on something or want to do different things, if she doesn't get her way and gets moody it will really ruin my trip! I don't want to fall out with her or end up going separate ways on the trip as it won't be safe, but I won't be able to cope with constant cold should if she isn't getting her way. help!

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Cancel the trip.


If you won't do that, then be prepared to endure manipulation through her moodiness and pretty much doing things her way.


The only way out of that is to call her on her stuff NOW and tell her that you're pretty much fed up with the tantruming and if that's the way she acts when she can't have her way, then the trip is off. Figure out every kind of scenario you can think of and talk out and AGREE UPON the solutions NOW before you leave home.. if it comes to writing it all out and making her sign a piece of paper agreeing to the terms, then do that.


But I, myself, would never have made plans to go out of the country with someone as manipulative as your friend. I wouldnt' be her friend, quite frankly. It's long past time she grew up and learned to take set backs with the grace of a woman and not the grief of a child.

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Thanks, there is no way i am cancelling the trip! it's the trip of a lifetime. I think i will make sure we talk before hand about stuff like this. I'm hoping that us both being out of familiar surroundings etc she will understand that she cant sulk when she doesn't get her way. Compromise is key here i think, i just hope she understands this WHILE we are out there.

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