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Some research: Please help me out


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Where do people meet each other and find relationships? I mean, I'm 25, I've never had a girlfriend or even been on a date, and when people ask why I don't really know. There doesn't really seem to be a reason. I just go through life and nothing happens. People I ask out say no, while nobody's ever asked me out or shown any interest. Is anyone else in this situation? How many people have others dated, and what age are you? How did you meet these people and how did you start dating? Please, I don't seem to be able to get a grasp quite on how people manage it. I would be most grateful if you could answer the above questions. Thank you.

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im 17 and lets just say ive had more girlfriends then ive had cold dinners (only 2 have meant anything and im recovering from one as we speak...dont fall in love just chill in a relationship lol) I believe its all about confidence, if you show that you are confident and dont shy away a woman will respect you for it and if u get rejected u shud use the line of mine which usually gets me the number i wanted....just say....ok thanx 4 ur time, its ur loss and walk away....works 99% of the time for me...not that ive tried it for the past 9 months...but i dont think anything has changed since then. I usually talk to random girls i see while walking round my city centre as they are real infront of u and u can get a bit of an impression into what they are like. If they do react to you then just kick it off with some light conversation...start with a hi how u doin whats ur name, or if u wana make em laff try....i noticed u noticing me...and i just wanted to put u on notice that i was noticing you too. Lol yeh i no its corny sounding but u will be surprised how well it works as the gurl will most likely laff at it and be interested....well thats all i can think of at this moment...if i can think of anything else ill get bak to you or pm me or something lol



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My ex and i met at a kickboxing class, it was her first day and i was assigned to introduce her to everyone, we just got on really well and after a couple of lessons i asked her out!


I think that the most likely place you will meet someone is at a place that interests you, for example, if you are into reading then a library would be a good place, if you are into history then possibly a museum. I say this because you will already share a common interest and it will give you something to talk about straight away!

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Just go any place where you can meet more people in general: join interest clubs, go to bars/clubs (maybe not the best places but you could give it a shot if you want), and dating sites. If you're in college then there a ton of opportunities there: meeting people in classes, in the cafeteria, or really just anywhere around campus. Sometimes you just have to take the initiative and meet more people yourself rather than waiting for people to meet you. Good luck! ^_^

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Well they say university/college is best place to meet people, which is probably true..too bad that usually you change so much during that time whether it lasts is another thing altogether!


I have met people through school, through various working environments (met a long term boyfriend of mine in the military), through my interests in cycling, through friends, and on dating sites. My ex I met online, as well as my current guy (though we had actually been at many of the same cycling races/events and have a few mutual friends so we would of met up at some point I am sure!). It has lost its stigma and many people are on there nowadays.

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My X and I met serving at a school function. We had went to school together all our lives but we didn't know each others names until then. That relationship lasted 2 years and was the best I have had so far.


Others that I have just dated, I met through friends, at college, at parties, and at work(I also don't recommend this).


Everyone so far has given you great ideas to meet people. I have never tried dating sites myself but I recommend going out with friends more. You might be more confident while having fun with all your friends and that can attract the ladies.

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I'm 25 and in a similar position to you. I haven't had a girlfriend in 5 years and I haven't asked anyone out in 3 years until last week. I had 2 girlfriends that year 5 years ago. I never had one before and they both asked me out. Anyway since then I have been through University without finding anyone, there were way more guys than girls where I went and in my specific program it was about 20:1. I play golf and I've asked out 2 girls who play at my club but they are always going back to university or something in the next week. Anyway, I still think university and clubs (activity clubs, not nightclubs) are the best places to meet. And sometimes through other people. My mother's friend works with a girl my age and last week we all went out for dinner. I decided it has been way too long so the next day I called the girl up and we are going out tomorrow! It was easy! I mean it was hard as hell to call her up but all I had to say was "Do you want to go out" and she said "Yes!".

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I'm having the same problem. I've met a lot of guys at univ. but we only end up being friends. While my other female friends go out on dates with them or become really good friends with them. I still can't figure out how they do it and we meet the guys at the same time. I try to be just as outgoing as they are. sometimes the guys will flirt with me but still no date.



Signed: What-does-it-take-to-get-some-attention-around-here!

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Yes, thank you everyone for your replies. I wasn't really after advice, or where people think I ought to go to meet people, I was more interested in people's actual specific circumstances. This is because I am unsure as to whether there is a discrepency between how people think things should work and how they actually work. Don't get me wrong, I am most grateful for everyone's input, it's just I'm more after research than advice. Of course, thank you to all who did provide info. on how many dates they've had, where they met etc... Most helpful!

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