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6 months apart. 4 months NC met with ex


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I posted alot when the break up was happening. I was so depressed.


Ive been doing well, dating bettering myself ect ect.


Last week I got a text saying she saw me driving. That was the first time she initiated contact in 4 months. We shared a few meaningless texts and I asked her to meet me for a beer. She declined and said she didn't feel ready. I said okay have her a smiley face and went about my day.


Last night rolls around and she texts me and asks what in up too. I nearly my pants.


We text back and forth she send me a funny faced picture and I send her one back. She complimented me and obviously I did it back..


Then.. She CALLS ME. We talk for 2 hours! Laughing having a good time then things turn to relationship talk ( naturally) this time it was 2 am.. I told her I was heading home and she asked me to stop by her place to talk. I went by to see her and The dog we used to share. It was euphoric. We hugged and talked for another hour.


3:15am rolls around and I headed home.


I get home and we continue texting and I said it was to hot to sleep in my condo and she INVITED ME BACK LOL


4:00 am I am back at her apartment and we keep talking. Then we go to sleep at 5:30am kinda laying together I was rubbing her shoulders and it was great.


I had waited for this moment for months.


It truly happens when you least expect it. I never would have guessed this could happen. I don't know what the future holds but I think she really noticed a change in me.

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Im happy that you're happy, but was reading through the threads you have started (wanted to see why you two broke up to begin with) and I see you have had a new gf since her in these past 4 months who you got pregnant!!


So what happens to her? You said you were "crazy about her"?

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It's been a roller coaster of emotion. The new gf was being extreeky shady and distant. Disappearing at night.. Then I called it out on her and she acted even more guilty. I am currently single. I didn't post a break up thread about that because I felt that it never got off the ground.


I learned from all of the mistakes I make in the long term relationship. The new girl got the reap the benefits of the new me but didn't appreciate them one bit.

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I'm glad that you are feeling happy. Just take this cautiously and slowly. I think that's what's most important. Also remember to have low expectations. People are unpredictable. This could lead to a reconciliation or ultimately go absolutely nowhere. You have no idea which is why it's best to take things slow. Keep us posted! I'm happy for you.

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Man o man. I know how you are feeling right now. As does anyone who is on this forum.


I did move on, worked on myself and did what ever I could to make myself happy. She came back into my life 6 months later.


Update: we have hung out everyday since Friday. I will say it's still just friendly hang outs.. She hasn't indicated to me that he intends on getting back together but I know that it's 100x. Possible now especially since 2 weeks ago I hadn't spoken to her in 4 months.


My advice is just do you

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