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hey guys can ya'll please give me some great expierenced tips from going tanning...b/c im going for the first time..soon! so yeah i want to knwo what works best..and stuff..b/c iom oging for a reason and if i go to prom..orange..well yeah nuff' said! hah! so yeah please just give me some good tips on how i will not become orange..or tips on just getting a great tan! thanks! also GUYS!...GUYS-what attracts you most about a woman ..physically!? thanks!


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First off, let me tell you. Tanning is sexy to a point. Their is this hot girl at school who always tanned too much and it took away from her beauty. Dont overdo it. You should know when enough is enough. Don't hurt yourself either, burning is gross. Wear like, SPF 5 taning block so you dont damage your skin and regret it.


What is attractive? Woa boy that's a frigin huge question girl. Personally: a girl who is in fair shape. I dont go for girls who are skin and bones, actually thats a bigger turn off than girls who are hugly over weight (but i mean alont, cause im not too judgemental about people's bodies) I like girls who have nice teeth, and smile lots, and laugh lots. In terms of clothing and hair, most guys just like what every other girl in high school is wearing: whatever kind of shirt they like, and those tight low riser jeans (i hope none of this offends anybody). Most guys would go for blondes, black hair, brown hair, red hair (hmmm) anything. But of coarse, gothic people have dates too, so who am i to say exactly what attractive is? I just have always seemed to like what most of the girls are wearing!

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The only time your skin will turn orange, is from using those "self-tanning lotions". The expensive ones that I've tried aren't too bad (the Clinique one is pretty good), but most of them are garbage.


If you are going to a salon (booth), then just talk to the person operating it. They should know what they're talking about and be able to give you tips on safety, and also the different lotions and such that can develop your tan. I can sit here and give you a lecture on 'how dangerous the UV rays are', but A) I'd be a hypocrite, and B) you're going to go anyhow.


One thing I will tell you, is that my brother's girlfriend has been tanning since she was around your age, and she has skin now that honestly looks like old leather. I saw her butt once in her bathing suit and it looked like the rear-end of an old man - sick!


Tanning is ok as far as I'm concerned, but be responsible about it.

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Go every 3 days or so for like 5 times to build up a base tan, than go once a week to keep it topped up. Then after a month or so make it everyother week.


Experts i think say its not good to use tanning beds more than 30 times a year. So when it comes to the summer, drop the sunbeds and get outside.


When it comes to where u go to tan, its a bit difficult. I prefer the sunbeds back in my hometown. They really do cook you though, theres no fans in the bed and it really heats up and physically can start burning my back from the plastic heating up so much. The beds I go to in Manchester (where i live and looking for work) are all super high tech, but to be honest i think their concerned for safety as I haven't burned at all on them and barely seem to get any results off them, and their more expensive than the ones at home. Think i'll go somewhere else in Manchester because the prices are too expensive and the results are poor.

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