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Is my friend jealous

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I was talking to one of my best friends last night, and she said something that kind of got to me.


Here is a little back ground. A couple of years ago, she started to email a guy, whom she had no romantic feelings for, and in turn he got my email address from her. Well of course he starts to email me and get become fast friends.(I knew him before but only in passing). Anyway, the three of us begun to email each other and have fun. Well, me and the guy became very close and about a year ago our emails becoming a way of us flirting with one another, which has led us down the road of a "relationship" nothing exclusive but we care for each other very deeply. So, I started talking to my best friend about the guy and at first she was supportive but I have noticed that over the past few months, it has not been that way. She told me that she doesn't email him as much, coz she is "distancing" herself from him. I should say that he replies to just about every email I send to him, but not to her. Maybe this is why is she acting this way. But anyway, he has also just about stopped all contact with her, only the occasional forward of a joke or something. So last night we were talking about him and I told her that we are just really good friends and then she said then "why do you still e-mail him?" Because we are friends and she said "yeah, right". I asked her what was wrong and then she said never mind and changes the subject.


So finally my question....What is her deal? Is she jealous of what me and the guy have? Does she like him? I don't want our friendship to end or get hurt in any way. Help please!!

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