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Can anybody answer this?

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Well me and my Ex have been talking and she knows that i love her and i know that she loves me. we are so deep in love but we cant be together cause her parents. They just dont like why? because they thought we were doing something in her room but nothing was going on anyways She asked me to show to her that i love her, now how do i so her that i love her. Actions speak more than words so can anybody give me some ideas. i already wrote letters leave nots in her locker tell her that i love her gave her flowers, presents, poems, i just dont know how to show to her that i love her so please help me any ideas would be good.

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I think a good way to really show her you love her, is to talk to her parents. Go there and "clear the air" with them. Let them know how much you respect their daughter, and their house, as well as letting them know that you wouldn't do anything to disrespect them or their house. Use this as your chance to really find out why her parents don't like you (you never know they could just be protective and want to know your intentions, or your goals), and you can use this time to let them know more about you (parents want to know about the person their child is seeing, usually from that person). I think this would be something that would show her that you lover her enough to try and "settle" things with her parents, as well as showing you can be mature and civil about things. Other than that, you've already done most of the things most guys would have thought of doing, so know it's time to think outside the box.


Another thing that will show her that you care, is doing something with her that she enjoys. Has she ever mentioned a band, or activity that she really likes? Try to schedule some time for the two of you do go and do that, it will show her that you listen to what she says, and that youre interested in doing something that she enjoys as well. Just a thought.

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that's exactly what i was going to say. plus, it will show her parents that you do care about their rules and feelings, and in return they'll repsect you for being mature about it. they should understand how much guts it took you to talk to them about this.


good luck man, you sound like you really do love and deserve this girl, and vise versa. i hope things work out for you.

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