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Whats wrong whit me???


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hello there


well quick recap of me, out of a 11 year relationship for some time now, had a normal relationship until it ends, my healing process was long and painfull but here i am smiling and living...


yesterday i went out whit some friends to go to a concert, was a rainy day and we were in a vip area under some big umbrellas, we were laughing surrounded whit strange girls, next thing i had a girl all over me rubbing into me, then she made me the eyes, i really wasnt expecting that, and got really nervous, whats wrong whit me? starting shaking all around, then i went to the bar to get a drink to chill and the moment was ruined my friends then moved from spot and lost her... she was so into me that i got scared wasnt really expecting that...so shaking like a idiot and runned away


all my girls to date were always girls i met then things got serious never hooked up whit a stranger to date


but whats wrong whit me, got shy from night to day, felt really insecure yesterday... today i cant think of another thing considering i had no one since my breakup

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Whats wrong with you? Take a seat, this might take a while... nah just kidding.


You just got nervous and shy. It happens, for those 11 years you were locked down, you dont have the experience there, so you were in unfamiliar territory and you got stage-fright. Same thing happened to me, some girl kept showing attention, and i kept avoiding her. I actually did get her number and we kissed, but i stopped talking to her because of her personality- and then i sunk into a little hole and felt down. Thats "blame", you blame yourself over that missed opportunity, and you fool yourself into thinking it wont happen again.


Maybe an aggressive women wont charge at you like that again, but if you attracted them in the first place, it can happen again, it just might not be so obvious next time so you will have to do more work. Just learn to charge in, look at that experience as an ego-boost, thats all.

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hey there

your post is excelent, those 11 years really lock me down and that reflects on my lack of attitude and confidence, i believe i still react like i am commited whit the girl i love and just want to get away from these situations, the girl was incredibly pretty almost to think it was too much for me and was everything in my head, my friends noticed and commented the approach later and that was the moment that i realised it was really hapenning and it wasnt something of my head.


found her facebook after some digging but dont know how to approach whitout being and idiot, damn i dont really know how to handle this, should i message her? add her as friend? do 1 like in one nice pic of her and wait to see if she reacts to that

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Yeah, you found yourself in a situation that you didnt expect, and didnt know how to handle. Then you felt you let yourself down.


If you have a good reason as to how you found her (mutual friends, etc.)- then yeah add her. Most will say not to do it- because its stalkerish. I, as in me... i would have done it, because i have a pretty careless attitude about things anyway.

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