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how do i get someone to ask me out?


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hi im kinda nerdy, get really good grades. i really want this guy to ask me out or somethin but i don't think he even knows who i am. i feel really lonely, and am NOT pretty. curly brown hair, freckles (blecch.) im also really shy. how do i get him to notice me?

PS: i don't really have too much time in the mornings to put on makeup and stuff, because i have to start off for school really early.

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i think the first thing you do is stop telling yourself that you're not pretty. if you don't think you're an attractive person, then you won't carry yourself and act like an attractive person, and he won't see an attractive person. work on your confidence, relationships shouldn't be just about looks.

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Strike up a conversation with him one day. If you know him from a certain class, you could make things easier by starting off the conversation with something specific about a lecture or assignment. And like the previous poster said, although you might feel you're unattractive, don't let others see you feel this way. If you really set your mind to improving yourself, you can do it. But everything in life that you want to accomplish takes time and effort. If having curly hair doesn't appeal to you, why not try to straighten it out one day? Remember, believe in yourself.

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I agree with the previous posters, you need to start by working on your confidence. I'm sure you are a very pretty girl. You have lots of great qualities but are just shy and self-conscious. Try to focus on the parts of yourself that you do like. Certainly someone has complimented you on something, think about that and feel proud of that aspect of you. Instead of thinking your nerdy just think of yourself as intelligent. It's all in how you look at yourself. If you believe your a good, attractive person that confidence will show and make it easier to attract someone else. Once you've done that just say hi to this guy and ask him about something you have in common, maybe a class? Believe in yourself.

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