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Background: J and I met on OKC two years ago on the basis of friendship and is now more than that but we are stuck cuz neither one of us has the financial means to meet up and therefore cannot become official.


What we have: A strong connection with each other which keeps us together but the number of problems are getting to me and leads me to question whether we will last in the long run. The lack of physicality is the biggest problem that we have but not enough for me to give us up. At the same time skype just isnt a sufficient way of communication for us anymore. Plus he does not use his phone often cuz he has to pay for his minutes cuz of his phone plan. He brings a lot into my life which wasnt there before and he is the one to show me what true love is and so i do not want to give up on us. But the problems are so overwhelming at the same time. I just simply do not know what to do. I want to work on this i do but i also dp not want to be hanging onto this cuz im in denial cuz i refuse to move on and have the possibility of finding somepne else in real life.


What to do: I know this sounds more like a journal entry but it isnt. Please help me and give me some advice, opinion, your comments as to what im going through especially the one who are gking through the same thing i am. Thank you have a nice day and i really appreciate it.

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