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weird feeling about her

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hi. so i was in love with my best friend for that past 2 yrs. i went threw alot of dperession and things but i have recently gotten over it.


i don't think of her in the same way and i know have anouther gf. but i do have a weird feeling. when she talks about guys to me and i think about them together i get butterflys in my stomach. is this normal?


and by the way thanks to eveyone thats helped me to get over it. this website is an amzing place with amzing people on it . thanks

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Yes, it's normal to think about an ex gf/bf or someone that you have been very attracted to and get butterflies in your stomache. I used to get butterflies all of the time thinking about my ex boyfriend or when I would see him driving around town or even when he would call me and I would hear his voice on the phone when we weren't together any more. Maybe it was wishful thinking or that sexual tension.


I think it means that you probably still have feelings for this girl even though you are in a relationship with someone else. I think "butterflies in the stomache" thing is related to nervousness or anxiety. Maybe somehow you are hoping that down the road you will get your chance with this girl.

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