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I feel like im insane


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I dated a girl for four months, it was perfect up until the last week I made some stupid mistakes.

5 months on she wants nothing to do with me, told me im obssesed and had to change her number.


I turned into a psycho stalker and kept thinking the next msg I had sent would get her back. I knew I was doing all the wrong things but I couldnt stop. I dont think om obssesed im just really inlove with her.

Now all day, every day I think of her I have trouble sleeping and wake up through the middle of the night thinking of all the things I did wrong that couldve changed it. I had a chance I week after the nreakup but I didnt take it. I cant stop hatkng myself, cometely withdrawn from the world I know she was the one for me but I ruined it I cant help feel like a failure.


Her impression of me now jn unsalvagable after becoming so pushy and I will never hsve the chance again.

The psychologist isnt helping there seems to be only one way out from this torture

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I am going through the same thing. Sent way too many e-mails and now she probably thinks I'm crazy. don't know though cuz she won't respond. It hurts badly. So sorry man... I am in the same boat right now. You're not insane, just love sick. Time heals it... I'm trying to remember that myself.

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Love sick or have a hard time controlling your emotions.


If they don't want to dance, you can't force them, no matter how hard you try.


Just like if some ugly person wanted you to go on a date, and they hounded you, and then started being creepy. Not very attractive.


ONLY thing you can do is leave them alone until they contact you, if ever. There is no other way for them to process everything and if you are truly that awesome, they will realize that and return.

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^ Stop contacting her altogether. Do not, and by NOT I mean, NEVER contact her again. If you know for yourself that you treated her with all you have (despite the fact that you've somewhat chased her away and she still doesn't have anyone to replace you), let her be. Only time will tell if she'll think about you and the memories you've shared together. And only time will tell if she'll be wanting to get back together with you. If not, then, just don't contact her. Don't get in touch. Not unless she wants to be in touch. When someone leaves, that person has a slight chance of returning or has zero interest in returning to you at all.


No Contact. That's your best bet, IF and only IF you use it to heal YOURSELF, and not use it to get HER BACK.


We all make mistakes. I did that too when my now ex-GF broke up with me the first and the second time around (crying, pleading, begging, kneeling, promised to change immediately). Didn't work. Just focus on yourself now.


And this being our 3rd breakup. I didn't do those things anymore. Well, I pleaded her not to break up with me the first day(just thru text, i don't want to sink so low again). But I didn't continue it anymore since she herself said that she doesn't want to talk to me, receive anything from me, and there is no other guy, absolutely. I know for myself that I did EVERYTHING to make her stay (she didn't even cry and we didn't have any issues this past 8 months when we were together, but she still ended it. LOL), but still, she broke up with me. Not that I'm looking forward to her contacting me again. I guess we weren't meant for each other.


Remember : "What's important is the NOW, and what's not worth thinking over and over is the PAST."

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I agree with what you guys have said, thinking about the past wont change it, it only serves to keep you stuck in the present. But ughh..... just cant stop. She thinks im not right for her presumably, weak, for breaking down when things ended. The only people who can break me are the people I love, they're the ones who can get to me. I don't see that as a measure of weakness, rather a measure of decency and being someone who truly cares, if I never felt for her I would go and replace her. I treated her better than anyone in her past but in the end I guess she doesn't see she deserves it, doesn't believe her own value

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